UW Waitlist Class of 2023

Empathy not required. Where does respect come into play? One earns it, not just getting it by filling out an application and complaining when things do not go your way. UW does a good job, it is these college students who need to figure out it is not at all an emotional thing with colleges, just straightforward numbers. Disagree with your sense of taste. After awhile it gets tiresome to hear the same complaints from those who do not follow the very logical process used. No one owes these students anything. Proud of my alma mater and state.

UW transfer hopefuls- be prepared to move on and get your degree from wherever you’re currently at.

Just out of curiosity, did any of you submit your second-semester grades?
Also, a few people have gotten off the waitlist. If you have checked in the UW Madison facebook page, two individuals indicated that their roommates no longer decided to attend the school and were looking for a roommate. Another individual who got off the waitlist was looking for a roommate recently. There may not be a lot of hope at this point, but everything happens for a reason. And whether some of us get in or not, I hope it’s all for the best!

I submitted my second semester grades. I just heard back this morning from UW, they’ve released me from the waitlist. :frowning: For people wondering stats, I’m from MN, have a 4.0 GPA (including PSEO and AP classes), had phenomenal recommendation letters, 29 ACT, and pretty decent essays. I also have loads of volunteer hours in an array of different areas and received a $16,000 national scholarship. Honestly, I’m not quite sure they were looking for, as I have 7 relatives that went to UW-Madison and my grandpa was the chair of a department there and taught for 40 years. Has anyone else heard back either way? Mine wasn’t put on the portal, just directly emailed to me.

I got an email yesterday saying that I am currently still on the waitlist and are extending the time period until July 31st. I am just lucky to be on the waitlist lol 3.5 GPA and 25 ACT. In state kid with amazing resume though.

Anyone else still on the waitlist?

I got a call last week saying I got off the waitlist and am now pretty much committed.
Best of luck for all. GO BADGERS!!

Congrats! What are your stats? In state or out of state?

A friend of mine got waitlisted 2 years ago and ended up getting in. It is possible. She was in state though.

Got off the waitlist 2 days ago. I am committed to UW-Madison! 27 Act, in-state, 3.9 GPA with a good application. Hope this helps, best of luck to all. On Wisconsin!

I just got a call this morning and I’m off the waitlist and becoming a badger in the fall!
ACT - 23 GPA- 3.8 In state, good application and the school of art recommended me to regular admissions on behalf of my portfolio submission.
Good luck everyone!