<p>Hello everyone, i an planning to apply for UWC in 2015, who else is interested in applying for the next year? I think we can discuss about applying process and exchange advices in this thread.</p>
<p>hello @ritagg , i’m planing to apply in 2015 and I’m so excited about it! but I have not yet found when registration will be open</p>
<p>Hello @nouha97 ! I am applying! From the uk! Where is everyone from? </p>
<p>@nouha97 you can check your national committee’s website or Facebook page
I’m from Egypt @jcada ,how’s the selection process in UK? </p>
<p>Hi, I’m applying too, and I’m from the USA. Hoping for Maastricht or Adriatic.</p>
<p>Hi guys! You have no idea how glad I am, knowing that there is a place we can discuss the whole UWC process, helping each other out when necessary and share our feelings and all (ha-ha) Of course, we all got our own friends to talk to ( well, I hope we all do) but we are all going through the same process, and maybe it’s just me but at the moment all that I can think about is UWC, it’s crossing my mind maybe 50 times a day (Well, since a week or so it’s less). And I really enjoy reading all your comments
At the other hand, it’s worrying me at the same time, realizing that there are so many fanatical and ambitious pupils who’re also planning to apply for UWC. I mean, why would they even think of choosing me… Not that I don’t want you to pass or something, I wish all of you the best
Oh, and by the way, I’m Catherine from the Netherlands
Here is the thing, if you’d like to apply your grades should have an advantage from at least a 7,0, and a few weeks ago I had an 7,4 (We haven’t got that many test yet so when you get a bad note your advantage will decline a lot…) Unfortunately, I had a very bad week this week (And last week…) Usually, I don’t do that much for school but my grades are fine. I know it seems that way but I am not lazy, I’m just very, very chaotic and disorganized because I get enthusiast by too many things and I want to do everything at the same time, but I’m also a perfectionist (I don’t like to admit that) and not always in a good way. What I mean is that I’m chaotic and perfectionistic at the same time, which means I want to do everything right but at the same time I forget about everything and than I get mad at myself
Luckily for me that isn’t a really big deal, apparently I do have insight. I know this is not an excuse and I won’t use it to be one, but I have ADD, which is among other things the cause of my chaotic personality and my non-controlled lifestyle. As I said, for me it isn’t really bothering, I’m just always late, always loosing things, don’t know where I’m supposed to be, don’t know where I left my bike, don’t know where my keys are, can not concentrate and get distracted very fast, but I do have great interest in things and I love doing loats of activates. But I’m not only out of control haha, that’s just one side of me. I do like school and my grades are mostly quite good and for the subjects that I’m good at there good enough I think and I do can handle a lot, so it’s not that school isn’t easy for me… Well, I’m used to this, but last week I had a very, very unorganized week and I messed up a few tests. I know it is my own fault and I can’t blame anyone for this but myself (however, my economics test last week was unfair! That’s something the whole class agrees with haha!) but don’t you think applying to UWC do gives some extra stress? Not that I would mind extra stress, I know it is a part of the process but as I’m the only one applying from my school this year, I’m just confused and have no idea about what my chances are. For my economics test did i get a 4,3 and I still not failed this subject but that’s because of 0,1 point. My German test today went horribly, I got a black-out and it was just a piece of ■■■■ that I handled in. So, I don’t failed any subject yet but there is a present chance for that to happen and my total advantage is close to a seven, but not enough at the moment… I’m really, really sorry that all I am talking about is myself and that I wrote just a story about myself from that length and you don’t have to read it but I am just worried because I know I could handle UWC and when I read the description of what their students be and have to be like I just recognized myself or something… I’m really sorry that I talked for so long but I’m just relieved that I finally got someone to talk to! So, you don’t have to answer but I would really, really appreciate it and I would love to give anyone else the help they need! I’m also really sorry for being such an annoying person who only thinks about herself and I know it seems like I care a lot about my own well being but I didn’t mean to sound that way! It’s just, when I look at all your comments you all seem really clever and all and I’m just beginning to worry… Thanks a lot and best wishes from the Netherlands!!! XXXXX</p>
<p>@Catherine5th - I just read your block of text and I CAN NEVER REMEMBER WHERE I PUT MY BIKE EITHER!! Also you sound awesome and hopefully will get in UWC!</p>
<p>I’m from the US and my top choices are UWC Mostar, UWC Armenia, and UWC Adriatic. </p>
<p>@evan241 : Haha, thanks bro!! You have no idea how grateful I am getting my first reaction, to be honest I assumed that once you posted something on this site you would be overwhelmed with comments in about two minutes or so, but I guess that’s not how it works haha! But thanks, you seem reaaaaly nice to me, I really hope you will get into UWC! Keep in touch and I’d like to know how it goes Hoe does the selection process go in the US? In the Netherlands, you’ve got three rounds. The first round is called ‘the paper round’, you need to fill in a whole book of questions about yourself and how you’ve planned your future (I did not plan anything for my future so far, so maybe I need to rush and start making plans for being a lawyer or something ha-ha) and recommendation letters from your parents, your teacher, your mentor/tutor, and your rapports from the last two years… you also need to upload your passport and a picture and write an essay about why you want to go to UWC, and further some practical information. But what I heard was that many American, Asian and English teens are grown up with writing essays, and that they’re really good at it. Here in the Netherlands we are not used to it, but I guess I’m lucky because I love writing (Ughum, take a look at my ‘block of text’ haha I simply loved how you pronounced that had to laugh out lout) but as English is not our Native language could this be a serious issue… I just hope they take the time to read it
In the Netherlands it is now 11:09 pm, and in the USA? xxxx (I like your topchoises! I’m not sure yet, but I really REALLY want to go to Atlantic in Wales omg haha) </p>
<p>@evan241 : HAHA I’m sorry, I totally forgot to tell you about the other two rounds but I guess there won’t be that different in comparison with the selections in the USA. You’ll receive an e-mail which tells you if you did get through or not and then you get a ‘Activity-day’ so they can see if your a great teamworker and you’ll have to do an short inverview about thirty minutes I think The last round you’ll get a ‘big’ and exhausting interview for an hour or more, I’m not sure. Oh, my mum is getting upset now she is coming so I need to get out of here!
Goodnight! xx </p>
Hello guys I just applied for UWC 2015-2016 batch and I just wanted to know what do they look in a student applying in UWC.
I sent in my application in December and I am so anxious. I really hope I get in, though I know the odds are pretty slim. I’m from the U.S. and my top schools would be Atlantic College, and Li Po Chun.
Hey there everybody! Im sooo delighted that there are stuff like this so you can get in touch with people who are appling for the same college. @Cabtherine5th, you seem to be a really interesting person and talkative (Haha,the size of your comments show that,kidding). Anyway is there anybody applying to UWC Mahindra(India)? If so then I would love to get in touch with you. Btw, Im also applying this year. Quite nervous about the whole stuff. And i got to go now. Hope ill get some response. Till the, bye guys! All the Best!
Sup everyone! Any Indians? Anyone applying for the second time? What have you learnt from stalking UWC online so far?
I sent my application to my committee in 2 months ago, and I just heard back saying I got shortlisted for an interview!!! I am from Canada, and have been doing IB for 11 years… I do a lot of EC’s and sports and I have a 97% average… I don’t know if that helps anyone about what they are looking for but I am really nervous about my interview so if anyone has any tips that would be great! Good luck to everyone:)
@ariana125 Hi Ariana! Congratulations, you deserve it.
Think and plan answers to these questions:
–Why do you think you are ready to leave your home already?
(This one applies more if you want to go to somewhere other than Pearson)
–What lessons have you learnt in life that others your age haven’t?
–Can you provide evidence of any time that you figured out what the problem was, and you solved it?
(I mean in dealing with people and organising things, not in a test paper )
–How would you share your country’s culture with your friends?
–What would you bring to a UWC?
Use these questions to get started, and then continue to think about what you want the NC to know about you.
An interview is essentially you talking about yourself, with a few prompts to tell you what to focus on. Make sure you don’t forget to tell them anything that sets you apart or that you are passionate about.
@ariana125 Also, if you have described what you spend your time on in your application, then get more personal about it in the interview.
For example, in an application you can say that you play in a band. In an interview you should talk about (maybe even perform) a song that has shaped you. Or you may have a poem that has comforted you for many miserable months of your life. Or even a science project that catalysed your viewpoint on an important issue.
Steeling yourself to talk about sensitive things is important. You will want to talk about yourself as a person in the interview, even with others around you whom you do not know.
So, thought this thread seems a little inactive, I’m going to pipe in yet again
It’s been a little frustrating trying to contact my NC via email… There’s just one person manning the address and while I’m sure they are a good administrator, they just don’t answer my questions. Maybe I would have better luck phoning in?
But what I have learnt about the National Committee of India (after a lot of effort!) is:
–They allow candidates to apply twice. Once in grade X and once in grade XI.
–While CBSE policy is that students must take the board exam if they will change board to finish high school, the NC of India will accept the internal (school-conducted) exam.
–If you are eligible to apply through two NCs, choose the NC of the country you live in. If you can’t make it to the interviews you don’t stand a chance of getting in.
Questions I’ve asked that are still pending:
–What documents are necessary to start an application - how many references, mark-sheets, essays etc. do we need to upload?
–Does the committee accept any reference other than one from the Head of School? (my school is massive, she doesn’t even know me!)
Come on guys, contribute!
Hi @martianway thank you so much for replying! Thanks for your tips, I will definitely think about those questions to prep for the interview:)
Hey @martianway ! I am from India and I just got the acceptance letter today. I am studying in 10 and I am really nervous for the interviews… I am in group B . Just wondering what I should bring along with me as my “item of personal significance”(as specified in the letter) ?
Hi @amartyaU123 - bring along an object that, were it lost, would leave you crushed. Maybe a postcard from a distant relative, maybe a first birthday present… Think about what memories it has tied to it that involve you or people that inspire you. What do those memories say about your character? How have you changed since this object came into your possession? You’ll be expected to talk about this. That’s really it.
Also, join the AWESOME facebook page at FB . com /groups/270531836480121/ (replace the first part with the properly typed site name).