<p>Hey guys. :-h
I know it's quite early and stuff but I wanted to open this discussion so that we can advice one another etc. oh, and by the way, I'm from Namibia, a southern African country. :D
Join the discussion guys.
UWCcrazzy </p>
<p>Hello, Namibia Queen and all of the other people who are yet to come here! My name’s Lucia and I am from Slovakia. I am excited to finally become a part of the CC - UWC community of applicants.
This year’s application didn’t work out for me at all. I didn’t even get an interview. I was devastated when I found out and cried for five our straight. However, I was not discouraged. On the contrary actually, for I am more determined to get to a UWC than ever.
So how was your application, Queenofheart? And what’s your name? :)</p>
<p>Hey there Lucia. Glad that you joined the thread. :)<br>
I hope and pray that you’re application will be successful in the year to come.
Oh, and my name is Avihe (it means “Everything”) My full name means: “Everything comes from God”.
I’m in ninth grade so I will only apply next year so actually I did not yet go through the application process. </p>
<p>Hi everyone! I’m Tiffany and I’m from Canada I’m in grade 10 right now so I’ll be applying in grade 11. I haven’t applied to UWC before so I’ve been doing a lot of research. How have you been preparing for your applications? I went to see my counsellor at school about it, but she didn’t know what UWC was hahaha. </p>
<p>Hello!! I’m from India and I’ll be applying for the 2015-17 batch as well!! What are your college preferences? And I’d be grateful to anyone who has any experience regarding the interviews and is willing to help! Does anyone here have a tumblr? If yes, what’s your URL? I’ll follow!!</p>
<p>Hi @randomness12345! My top choices right now are Pearson, Atlantic and UWC-USA what are yours? </p>
<p>Hey Guys!! I just tried posting stuff in another UWC chat, but its a bit outdated. My name is Madeleine and I am in grade 10, applying for 2015-2017. I am a duel citizen of Canada and the US, living in Arizona. I am deciding if I should apply through the US or Canadian board. Do you guys have any idea on which one I should choose? Im trying to get a full scholarship </p>
<p>My top pick is defiantly Atlantic! I just read a book on Wales for my english class, and it sounds so beautiful. I also like the idea of Adriatic or Li Po Chun. My parents want me to go to Pearson, my moms cousin went there and he is on the board, so that might help me out if I decide to apply there.</p>
<p>@tiffmsl, I’ve been having the same problem as you! I tried to explain UWC to my counselor when she asked me about my plans for the future, and she thought I was crazy. I have also been talking about it to my friends and they don’t understand why I want to go! Im so excited to have finally found a group of people with the same aspirations as me, we can totally help each-other as the admission process gets closer!</p>
<p>Hi ! I’ m an italian student and I’m applying UWC in 2015 ! In Italy there are only 10/12 scolarships so it’s very difficult to enter ( but surely it’s difficult in your country too
) … I’m very happy of this discussion and I hope we’ll continue talking .
PS : what do you know about the partial scolarships ??</p>
<p>I made a Facebook group for 2015 applicants! If anybody has a Facebook, here is the link: <a href=“https://www(.)facebook(.)com/groups/702382013152976/”>https://www(.)facebook(.)com/groups/702382013152976/</a> . Its a private group so I think you just have to request to be in it and I’ll approve you :)</p>
<p>@chinagirl I can’t find the group from this link. Can you repost it ?</p>
<p>What’s the name of the group ?</p>
<p>Hi guys I’m Selin from Turkey, but I live in the UAE. I’ve read the uwc threads of 2013 and 2014, so I’m pretty psyched about finally being a part of one. I discovered the uwcs about two years ago, so the waiting to apply is really starting to get to me. I’ve never applied before and I’m in the 9th grade. I would love it if you can add me to the facebook group @chinagrl, my fb name is Selin Kumbaraci, thank you!</p>
<p>Hi @CelineTRKY , are u 16 years old ? I suppose so but I’ m not sure because here there aren’t school grades .
How many scolarships are there in your country ? :)</p>
<p>@LabellaCalliope I’m actually 14 right now, and there are about 7-10 full scholarships for the Turkish nc and they accept around 28 people as far as I know.
How old are you?</p>
<p>I’m 15 but, normally, students that attend my school year are 16 . In Italy you can try UWC only once… if you don’t pass You can’t try again … Sadly a lot of the scolarships are local and my region doesn’ t have an own scolarship … I’m worried
. </p>
<p>Will you attend your last two years at UWC or more ?</p>
<p>Just my last two years, and yeah I don’t think I can apply again either, they only accept 10th grade applicants. I don’t know how the scholarships work but I know I need at least a partial to attend any uwc, </p>
<p>@LabellaCalliope which uwc do you wanna go to?</p>
<p>I’d like most Adriatic, Atlantic or RCN. I’d like Pearson too but I won’t choose it because my parents prefere that I stay ‘‘near’’. And you ?</p>