UWC applicants year 2016

We didn’t actually do that, if memory serves. I was planning to use a programming project I’d been working on.

Hi guys, I’m Yasshvi and I have been selected to attend the selections camp at Mahindra UWC India for 2016-2018! Any MUWCI applicants here?

@yasshvi Me :slight_smile: Group G!

Group H here.

Hi guys! I’m a little late to this thread but I’m a current applicant to the UWC USA national committee. Which colleges do you guys want to go to (if we’re lucky enough to get in)? I’m hoping for an international experience but would be thrilled even to get an interview.

Indonesian here! The national committee here have yet to release the applications, but they have said that it will be released soon. Found this program through my sister’s friend and I am very hooked. The UWC in America is my top pick :slight_smile:

Hi @xHopex
What did you take as an item of personal significance? And how did the interview go?


Hey there,

I took a necklace that I got while travelling.
Honestly speaking, I don’t think you should worry too much about WHAT you’re getting, as long as you can talk about it. As for my interview- I thought it went okayish. I wasn’t too happy about how it went, but it wasn’t terrible. The interviewers WANT to challenge you- the point is to make sure you have a good response to what they ask. A lot of it also depends on who will be interviewing you, but mostly they just ask you questions based on your written app, and the conversation goes from there. Make sure you don’t lie - they will ask questions and they will find out. Don’t make stuff up, and really just be yourself.
Good luck!

p.s: Are you applying through the Indian national committee?

@xHopex Yes, I have applied through the Indian national committee.
I’m extremely nervous. Do i need some sort of preparation before I go?
What kind of questions will they be asking? Thank you for helping us out :slight_smile:

Don’t prepare - I cannot say this enough - just be yourself. Just make sure that you participate in group discussions etc.
I don’t know how to answer that question. They ask you questions about yourself because they want to know about you. They ask you questions on your views because they want to know what your views are. There really isn’t much more to it.

Hi guys,

I’m currently a second year at MUWCI.
As someone who is part of the panel for the personal objects all i can say is - show us what you want to show, not what you think we expect to see. Tell us your stories and your passions - be yourself and you should be good.
If you have any questions about the process - feel free to message me!
See you guys this weekend :slight_smile:

Hello All, I have a student that has applied though UWC-USA. Does anyone know the typical timeline? For example, when will those advancing be notified? What month is the in-person interview, etc?

Hello, I applied for next year and asked about when we would be notified for the semi-finals (skype/phone call) and they emailed me back saying we should be notified via email by Monday. :slight_smile: The weekend ‘in-person interview’, from what I’ve read, occurs about a month after the skype/phone call interviews, so probably December or January. Here is a link that shows a timeline if you get accepted: http://www.uwc-usa.org/page.cfm?p=569. I hope this helps some.

@SuperMom15 They just read the applications about a week ago. I think we got notified fairly early last year, so maybe in the next week or two. The in-person is in February if I remember correctly.

I got a Skype interview for UWC USA!!! Anybody else? Any advice would be much appreciated as well :slight_smile:

Hai Guys
I just read ths thread and what i read all is just great! I’m in the applycation progress now, has anybody tipps for me, for what i should look, things that are good to write?
P.S: I live in Switzerland and sorry for my bad english :S
Thank you all in ahead!

@Lele98 Every national committee is probably different, but just be clear why you want to go and what you could gain from / give to the uwc community! I don’t really know for sure but thats what I tried to do. Good luck!!! And your english is great!

Hello, greetings from Indonesia!. I am in the middle of writing my application for year 2016. Really excited for a chance to be a part of this amazing school!. Words cannot describe how nervous i am right now. I really think that going into this would change my life. Anyways, good luck for all the applicants out there! :). Btw, anyone here who is familiar with the indonesian application process?, i would love to be able to talk you.

Are you going to NM in Jan for the on-site? @mflipw1999

Yeah! :slight_smile: @PatronOfChange are you?