UWisc Madison vs. UWashington

<p>We live on the west coast and my son fell in love with both Univ Wisconsin Madison and Univ Washington in Seattle based on campus visits. He's admitted to both now. We know Washington better due to proximity. Any one have familiarity with both who can share their thoughts regarding the contrasts between the two schools (other than the obvious winter issue in Wisconsin!)?</p>

<p>My Wisconsin nephew chose the west coast UW over the home state one and remained there after graduation. The Pacific Northwest is beautiful, this has been an unusually rough winter here in Wisconsin. Some considerations are academics- difficulty and course offerings. My impression is that the WI school has students with higher test scores- the peer group may be different academically. Also the demographics will be different- many more Asians in Seattle. Cold and rainy versus snow- either place can get votes. The meal plan at Wis is very different- no minimum required and good tasting, good variety (nephew eventually opted out of the dorms because of the meal plan). Feel free to PM me for more details. Of course I am biased towards my UW, especially if your son is a top student.</p>

<p>I'm a CA resident applying to both. They cost about the same so money isn't much of an issue (WA=34K, WI 32K) but it still gives a slight nod to Wisconsin. Wisconsin is also a top 10 Journalism and top 20 Business school, and I want to major in one of the two subjects. I would go to Wisconsin over Washington if I get into both, but Washington sounds like a great choice. The only drawback to WI is the cold.</p>

<p>Besides living in EAST EUROPE! for 5 years of my life, I have lived in WI for 13. WI weather is over-rated. I don't think it's that cold, unless it's just one of those winter days or you live in Upper WI (which Madison is not a part of). Also, we have jackets, hats, gloves, and warm liquids. So, focus on the school that offers more to you academically rather than weather. You'll be inside most of the time anyhow...</p>

<p>I went to UWis and have lived in Seattle about 20 years. I think Uwis has a much more diverse student body for undergrad. Far more OOS students and lots of internationals. Udub seems to be heavily from the Seattle area and seems almost like a commuter school--the campus is dead on weekends. The city area near campus is pretty rundown and slightly dangerous with a large population of homeless kids and adults in the area near campus know as the Ave. Academically they are close with UW having an edge over Udub. The weather at both could be better. Madison has more of a college town feel but there is more to do in seattle,</p>