V tech wait list and Repeal Letter

<p>I have question, I was wait listed to Tech, and some people are telling me to send a repeal letter just in case they look at the wait list pile later on even though chances are slim. Do you guys suggest that I write a repeal letter?</p>

<p>Thank you for taking your time to read.</p>

<p>I think you mean an appeal letter.</p>

<p>Most waitlisted students send a letter stating their interest in the school - why they think they are a good fit - what they can offer the community. If Virginia Tech is your first choice - you can state that as well. If you have more grades since applying - you can include those as well - 3rd quarter or second trimester - assuming they are strong. If you have won an award or had some other significant accomplishment since you applied - include that as well.</p>

<p>It’s hard to say how much this type of letter helps in a waitlist situation - but it can’t hurt.</p>