VA Tech Class of 2021 -- Engineering Admissions Decisions

I’m hearing that Virginia Tech will release engineering school admissions decisions on February 20th (or thereabouts). We can share our admissions decision on this thread. Here’s S’s stats:

Residence: In-State (NoVa)
GPA: 3.74 UW; 4.22 W
SAT: 1430 (730 RW; 700 M)
AP/IB: IB Program, 14 IB courses

From a VT Admissions email…

Hoping for a Feb 20 decision. For everyone else, the luck of the Irish!

@STEM2017 All the best to you. Since February 20th’s a holiday, it may be cause for a real celebration. >:D<

Does it matter when you applied?

Hoping for my son:

OOS: GPA 3.8 Weighted
SAT 1400 (760 Math)
Honors Courses, AP’s

Our concern is how much emphasis they put on GPA versus SAT. Penn State Main Campus puts 75% emphasis on GPA so they put him into the Behrend campus with honors even though his GPA was in range and his SAT was over the 75th percentile for main campus. You really never know until you know

S got another email last night confirming it will either be February 20 or March 17.

My D got that same email last night!

My son received that email as well.

Does anyone know the significance of the February 20th and March 17th dates? If you don’t hear February 20, does that mean you likely weren’t accepted into the Engineering School? Only 6 days from now!

I’m going to take the email at face value and just assume they are processing them as quickly as they can. The ones completed will be released…

I’m also going to assume that S will get his answer in March. Anything earlier will be a pleasant (hopefully) surprise.

I am going to assume that if my S does not hear on February 20th that he did not get into Engineering which is what they did last year. By March 15th he will have already heard from 6 out of the 7 schools he applied to and will need to start making plans to attend accepted student days for his top choices. VT is a top choice for him but if he has to wait until March 20th we will take an acceptance as a unexpected surprise.

@MSMead I’m assuming the same. Being from Northern Virginia, I’m not optimistic of S’s chances. Thomas Jefferson High School (routinely ranked #1 HS in the country) garners a huge number of VT acceptances to NoVa students, so purely by the numbers, it doesn’t stack well with the remainder of the HS’s in the area. If he doesn’t get in, though, S has some attractive alternatives for engineering (University of Florida, University of Central Florida (Honors College), Texas A&M, among others).

All the best to you! Here’s to hoping. [-O<

@MSMead and @VABogart - Please don’t read anything in not being in the first round. My first S was in the second round a few years ago and will be graduating this year. VT Engineering Class of 2017. Go Hokies!

We’ll keep our hopes up, then, if we don’t hear anything.

If you are instate don’t assume the majority are from TJHSST. In northern va it is common to have 20 to 25 kids accepted to VT from a graduating class. Dd was accepted to engineering two years ago from Northern VA.

@raclut Thanks for the response. I agree that a HS could get 20-25 kids accepted to VT overall, just not sure that same HS could get 20-25 accepted to VT engineering.

Hope your DD is enjoying her time there. We know several families who have their S or D at VT, and they uniformly have great things to say about the school! :slight_smile:

In our Nova school, we have over 100 accepted each year…around 70-75 go I think. So you’re right, TJ is just one of the schools with a lot of kids applying.

@kkmabo Thanks for the info. I agree that lots of students get accepted into Va. Tech, just not many accepted into the VT engineering school. That’s what the experience at our NoVa HS bears out.

Well, decision time is only two days away. Really hoping that S hears, one way or the other, on February 20th!