VA Tech Class of 2021 -- Engineering Admissions Decisions

@Celtic12 Yes, and it did not display any decision. So I’m thinking I hear in March. But, I’d like to know if I’m no longer being considered for first choice major.

@bgriff39 That is my understanding from discussions with VT admissions. Whatever the decision is on Banner (their admission system), it is a response to exactly what was on your application. For example, If you applied to Education School and received an offer of admission, it was for the Education School, nothing else. If you later want to switch majors or transfer to another school within VT, there are separate processes. If your offer has any contingencies (ex. accepted only because participation in ROTC or Corps, then your offer should state that explicitly).

I was just able to log in for the 2nd time (1st time was at 5:20pm) and there is no change in my status. It looks EXACTLY the same as yesterday.

I am assuming that I will be in the next wave of admission notices in March.

I am still seeing the statement " Notation of the term in which the applicant wishes to enter does not indicate an admissions decision." . . . . sounds like they either have not processed my application or they are still on-the-fence deciding. All of my items (scores, app, transcripts) were received in December thought. So, they’ve had everything for 2 months.

I applied early but was deferred to regular pool. :frowning:

S accepted 35 math 31 English OOS gpa 3.9 many APs and honors

S accepted 35 math 31 English OOS gpa 3.9 many APs and honors Engineering 1st choice

How are some people getting in? Are you trying over and over again?

Well, this is very disappointing not to be able to log in. Amateur night. Maybe will try again tomorrow a.m.

I hit refresh once I had gotten the 404 message and got into our account. No update on the account. Guess we’ll wait until March. :frowning:

Admissions answered my email and said it will be up again later tonight or Tmrw :frowning:

@chewie40 Does this mean they are having trouble and we won’t have access tonight?

omg!!! S got in!

1400 SAT (760 math)
3.8 GPA

@MSMead did you just keep trying?

Yes. He kept trying.

Hey guys there’s a rumor that if you didn’t get in today that means you got rejected from your first choice major? Can someone debunk or validate it? I didn’t receive anything despite a 36 ACT and a 4.2 GPA.

Got in with a 3.3 GPA 1330 SAT OOS engineering. I’m a little confused but happy nonetheless!

I Got accepted!

@Emomof2 I just kept trying and eventually when I refreshed the error I got in

How does one know accepted to Engineering? Does it specifically state that? My son applied for Engineering, site says accepted; Admission Type: “Regular Freshman Applicant”

Son was accepted! Just kept trying and finally got in. 30 ACT 4.06 GPA OOS. Engineering.