VA Tech Class of 2021 -- Engineering Admissions Decisions

@AspiringScho1ar My son was just accepted tonight with a 30 ACT and 4.06 GPA. With your scores I highly doubt that the rumor is correct.

My D was just accepted Engineering OOS Pennsylvania - 34 ACT. If they could only give out some academic scholarships to the out-of-state (as does Ohio State) so that we can afford VT.

My son applied general engineering in mid December. He has a 3.67, 1400 SAT, in state, IB candidate, National Merit commended, lots of volunteer work. He was notified that they sent his application to the Honors College, he didn’t request it, because his grades went down due to being ill. When we finally got into his application tonight. there was no change. Does that mean he was not accepted to engineering?

@Ripley09 There’s still a chance that you can get accepted on the March notification date. However, I’ve heard that this was for second choice major people, but I wouldn’t lose hope.

In state, 4.4 gpa, 2220 sat (800 math), national merit commended, did nasa program (VSCS), a few national awards. Applied for engineering on due date and no decision (took 3 hours to finally get into portal).

@ripley09 my son is in the same boat. His application was sent to the Honors College, so I thought he would get an acceptance (1420 SAT, 4.5 GPA). Do you think the Honors College send acceptances out at a different time?

My daughter got in. In state. NOVA, 1520 SAT with 790 math. Weighted GPA 4.25. VSCS and Governors School. Currently dancing around the living room. Good luck to everyone!

@barb2021 and @ripley09 --We just found out my daughter got in. She had her application sent to Honors College. The one thing she did do was send the application out in early fall, despite the fact that it was to be RD–maybe it depends on how early it was sent?

Thank you @darling3. Congratulations!! My son actually applied on the last day and I now see on his account his transcripts were received only two weeks ago, so that could have something to do with it. Your daughter’s stats are fantastic, was VT her first choice? I am confused because they say there’s a 75% acceptance rate at VT, yet it from reading these posts it seems so competitive!

@barb2021 I’m not sure how Honors College works. My son didn’t apply because his grades went down from being sick so much junior year.

Sorry to hear that, @Ripley09. I hope he is doing better now. My son did not apply either, the school sends students applications to the honors college if they meet a minimum GPA and test scores, so your son must have qualified. I was just surprised they would single applications out for being strong, but still not offer an acceptance to them. But now that I’m reading these posts, there are so many well qualified applicants! Congratulations to those who did hear and got in!

I also got the honors college notification

@Shrilkshire that is incredible with an 800 math SAT! You are such a qualified applicant. It seems there must be more acceptances to come in March.

@barb2021-- Hi! Yes, VT was her first choice. I’m not sure about the 75% stat–I do know that a friend of hers decided to go to UVA for engineering instead because he thought it would be easier. (?!) Money was part of the issue for us as a family(we have other kids, and only the last two are on the VA plan) but also we got very positive feedback from advisors/research regarding VT. The tour of the engineering dorms and the downstairs lab sealed it for her. I hope your son hears good news soon!

See y’alls in March lol

Thanks @Darling3 . It seems in vs. out of state makes a big difference in VA. Thanks, he already got into his top school so he is happy, but I was hoping for a less expensive option. Good luck to all in your family and your Hokie :slight_smile:

We had the same experience as many of you – repeatedly trying to access the portal over several hours, to no avail. Finally, we were able to get in to see that . . . nothing’s changed. S will have to wait until March 17th.

A hearty congrats to all those who got in! Many of you sound like VT may be your first, or at least top-tier, choice.

For those waiting, try not to let this experience color your view of VT. I think the university knows that last night was not their finest hour. I’d be very surprised if this experience were repeated in March.

@Shrilkshire Congrats on acceptance to VT and the Honors College. May I ask where you saw the Honors College invite? All I saw was “Offered Admission”. Does that mean the HC is not offered?

My son was accepted (1520 SAT, gpa around 4.2, weighted, located in NOVA; we go to an IB school and he is not an IB diploma candidate, so we were not sure if that would hurt him, but he has a rigorous schedule that is very strong in math and science). We too are wanting to make sure that an acceptance means accepted into Engineering. Of the places he has been accepted, their acceptance procedures are most confusing and impersonal. I was also curious about the honors college referral - is that something that came to others through email? I would think his grades/test scores would be high enough for a consideration by the honors college, but he doesn’t recall receiving any kind of notification to that effect. One of his friends, who has a very strong record and is an IB Diploma Candidate applied early decision and was deferred and did not hear yesterday, so I am curious how they determine which applications are included in the earlier release date, since it doesn’t appear to be based on date of application. My son did apply by the priority deadline (I think it was Dec 1?)

My Son was Admitted - this is his top choice. Doesn’t say anything on the website about honors college. Will hopefully have more info when we get the big envelope in the mail :slight_smile:
Also got into Penn state, ETSU and UNC Charlotte. Waitlisted at NC State.

We are OOS, GPA 4.875 ( now its 4.96) UW 3.99 5 out of 275. SAT 1220 ( 670 Math). Ham Radio, Robotics, Summer internship at a big Music co that specializes in Synthesizers. Eagle scout ( Project of the year, Asst. Scoutmaster), Symphonic band, Varsity Cross Country for 4 years. !00+ Hours volunteer work… 3D printing…
Happy Mom…