VA Tech information session vs Fall Open House

Is the information session worth attending? I don’t know we will be able to attend open house because of my son’s marching band schedule. They have a big competition then and he has a solo.

I thought about touring PSU, Pitt and then adding VA tech in trip in summer. My only fear is that we won’t get the full details.

Thanks for suggestion

Welcome to the Virginia Tech Forum @2019boston

My daughter a few weeks ago did the basic visitor tour (start at admissions building for briefing on applying to VT … then do campus tour with a Hokie Ambassador) but also signed up same day for a department specific information session.

Good amount of detail doing both. You can look for what specific days the departments do information sessions and tie it in with campus tour information session and pretty much get what would be at open house. We did just the campus wide tour one with my son and didn’t do the departmental information session and didn’t get nearly as much out of the visit. You need to do both at VT to get the academic information (which was pretty impressive).

Feel free to ask any questions here as well as there are a lot of people knowledgeable about all things VT.

Here is information in setting up information session for specific department(s)

Here it he info on setting up the main campus briefing and tour

We arrived at the Visitor Center / Admission at 9:00am and got our Visitor pass and info packet.

Went on campus and walked on our own a bit and went to the bookstore.
Then actually did the 11:15am department information session - which was over right at about noon.

Then went to Turner Place dining hall for lunch (Turner Place is on the Academic side so quick walk from info session)

Returned to the Visitor Center in plenty of time to get to 1:30pm general session and tour (finished by about 4pm)

@2019boston IMO, doing a tour without including an information session would be a bit if a waste, especially if you are driving an appreciable distance. The departmental info session is your student’s opportunity to hear directly from VT students and faculty. If your child is on the fence about where they want to attend school, this session can be your difference maker.

The benefit to doing open house is that it includes dept. info sessions and it’s on a weekend. Our experience was that info sessions outside of open house weekend were at specific times during the work week. Something to consider if you don’t want to burn vacation hours.

Sheval18 is right. My son did just the campus tour one and not departmental and not nearly as much info.