Va Tech - Security

Can someone shed some light on security at VT. What I mean specifically is safety for a female to walk alone late at night from, say, a late night study session at the library, to her dorm or car (parking lot). Our guide told us that they have the blue light posts. But every other college we visited ALSO provided an escort service that would provide escorts (in some cases 2 escorts) to walk you safely back to your car, dorm, etc. NC State even provides an escort from their Campus Security staff as opposed to student volunteers. As a mom, this will keep me up at night! I just don’t see how the blue lights can actually prevent a rape or crime of any kind. I probably have more concern about walking through a deserted parking lot late at night rather than through the middle of campus. Any insights?

@KorieBird I agree and was wondering the same thing. As a parent safety is our #1 priority.

VT has Safe Ride. Students can request a late at night escort if they want to. Very safe campus. It is sponsored by VT PD and they will send a ride or walking escort.

Does the Safe Ride escort you from the library back to your dorm?

Yes. They also have an app that allows the student to track their ride.

Oh Thanks! I’ll check that out

Not specific to VA Tech, but I wouldn’t recommend a woman walking alone late at night on any campus.

Exactly! That’s why I was so concerned that VT didn’t seem to offer any type of escort service. But I followed that link and Safe Ride seems really great. The option is to never be in a position to walk home alone … but if it happens, at lease there is an option such as Safe Ride. Makes me feel much better.

Virginia Tech is listed as the #8 safest campus in the nation. I agree teaching our students common sense practices is best but I would not be concerned about Virginia Tech not being a safe school. My son and many of his friends (both male and female) have never felt unsafe and as a parent the school does a great job of communicating when the need arises.

Yep, theres definitely a safety walk/ride or whatever services. Also, like tons of campus these days, the campus is littered with emergency stations where you can just hit a button and security responds.