Vacating Dorm Room Over Semester Break

<p>I am trying to book airline tickets for my son for the December break. I know it sounds a little early, but I have lots of Frequent Flier Miles that I am trying to use so I want to get them booked to be sure I can get the seats! I see that the last exam is from 2-4pm on Wednesday, December 14th. Do students have to vacate the dorm that day? Since he is flying back east, he will not be able to get a flight that late in the day so I would like to book it for the following morning. </p>

<p>Also, classes start again in January on the 9th, but Open Registration is the 5th and 6th. When will the dorms open again in January? Do they need to be there for Open Registration?</p>


<p>Ignoring the jerk who posted the above link, why not send your son home on the red-eye on the night of the 14th?</p>

I suggest you WAIT to see when HIS finals will be, before booking flights home. He may be done with classes on Mon or Tues of finals week. I’m assuming he will be registering for his Fall classes sometime in the next few months.
no, he does not need to be there for “open registration” as he will have already registered for his Spring classes sometime in the Fall.</p>

<p>Thanks vinceh! I hadn’t thought of the red-eye. That is what I got. I appreciate your point of view too menloparkmom, but sadly, to use Frequent Flier Miles these days you have to book almost a year in advance, or seats are either not available or “cost” twice the miles. Son is very willing to stick around an extra day or two if it saves us hundreds of dollars. He knows we will be scrimping to send him to USC anyway. Plus, the miles are on two airlines I rarely fly anymore, so they needed to be used up. It worked perfectly. Both tickets are booked at a total cost of $10!</p>

<p>You can figure out when all your finals are for all of your classes using this: [Schedule</a> of Classes: Fall 2011: Final Examinations Schedule](<a href=“]Schedule”></p>

<p>^^he hasn’t registered yet so he doesn’t know what his classes will be . He’s an incoming freshman.</p>