Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

The problem with the younger kids and masks is that they are not able to learn and pick up social cues from their peers. young kids are not always good at words and with masks its hard to see a frown or other expressions that show others how they may have hurt them, etc.


Our Covid numbers are down, hospitals not overwhelmed. As of 1/31, my high school senior is unmasked at school, as are all his friends and teachers. Our household is all boosted. I’ve told my son if he has a teacher who is masked, then out of respect for the teacher then he should mask, but that’s not an issue since all are unmasked. But if our numbers go back up and hospitals are starting to struggle, which at this point means another wave, the masks will go back on. But being boosted in an area where there’s not much transmission, I told my son he’s done his part as a responsible citizen and to try to have as normal a HS experience as he can.


The vaccine mandates for the military seem to have worked–97% of active duty troops are vaccinated.

Among the more reluctant groups are non-Hispanic blacks, women, and the youngest troops. Curiously, political affiliation doesn’t seem to make a difference statistically.


Got my hair cut today. My stylist just took 3 weeks off as she had Covid for the 2nd time. Mid January this time.

Covid, vaccinated 2x, Covid again. It’s complicated but she hadn’t had her booster. Went on a road trip with her husband, son and his fiancĂ© to visit their other son who lives 14 hours away. The far away son and the mom, neither boosted were quite sick.

The husband, the son and his fiancé, all boosted. All were in the car (for 14 hours!)when my stylist started feeling sick, none of them got sick.

Boosters work!


It looks like CT will be ending a statewide mask mandate in schools at the end of February. The decision about whether to continue masks in the schools will be left to the local education agency.

NJ high school teacher spouse here. He has specific vulnerabilities that we have to take seriously. He wears N95s, doesn’t eat in company with others, keeps his classroom windows open, even shaved his beard ( :frowning: ) to make the mask fit tighter.

He’s resigned to the mandate going away, though when they talked about it today, a lot of his students said they were going to continue to wear them and were dismayed that the mandate was gone.

We think the N95 will keep him safe. He’s lucky because he has the ability to control his classroom to the extent he can to keep it safe.


In my little Illinois town, the mask mandate was lifted at the local school. The school campus is still covered in ribbons for the young teacher (vaccinated but compromised) who died in November. One parent posted, " Too bad losers, you lost and we won." I didn’t realize the virus was an opposing football team. Sigh.

I swore I wasn’t ever going to use the puking emoji but that comment


My daughter says she is more comfortable in a mask. She is in a high mask compliance high school and is disappointed that the mask requirement may soon be lifted. She wanted to know if she can continue to wear a mask even if they are no longer required. But, she is not worried about her health, she is worried about her appearance - she likes being able to hide her face. I find that a little alarming and wonder if other teen girls are feeling similarly. It wouldn’t be the fault of the masks, but I’d just as soon not prolong mask usage beyond when it is necessary.


Ugh, my son’s fiancee was supposed to fly from France to Beirut today, and then drive to Syria to see her family - she hasn’t visited them in several years. But yesterday she had a positive PCR test. :frowning: She’s devastated. I don’t think she can reschedule the trip.

DH had the same thought I did, although we will never share it with the kids - maybe it’s for the best. Beirut and Syria are not great places to be right now. She could have dodged a bullet, quite literally.


Hope your son tests negative!

His home test was negative, but so were his girlfriend’s earlier ones this week.

MTA: His PCR test just came back negative. They live in the same house, so I hope she can isolate.

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Better late than never I guess.

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Parents of young children are concerned about a variety of developmental issues, including articulation, phonics, speech and non-verbal cues (just to name a few). Kids can’t see each other’s faces so they’re unable to see each other smile or frown, or express joy, frustration or any other emotion that one can show with a facial expression. Many young children don’t know what their classmates look like without a mask on. NJ has had in school masking in place since the beginning of the pandemic. If my children were in lower elementary school, I would probably be ready to shed the in school masking too.


And yet there is no good evidence in delays or issues in the things you name in young children who have been wearing masks at school.

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Your child will be free to mask for as long as you wish at any school, I am sure. No one will force kids to unmask, at least not for years


I find comments like this to be incredibly insensitive.

No one wants to mask. No one, not even a single person. But some folks are living with conditions that put them at risk of Covid, and they are saved when other people around them mask (and get vaxxed etc).

My mother in law just died from covid. You know what would have saved her? Other people around her choosing to mask.


I went to the Pulmonologist today for my annual check-up for my sleep apnea. We were discussing Covid and the vaccine. He said that he has been vaccinated 4 times because of his job. He told me that he had intubated 7 patients yesterday at the hospital. He said that the hospital is nearly full. He complained bitterly about the non-Covid patients who are missing out health care because of the hospitals that are full of Covid patients. He doesn’t see an end soon.

Nothing to do with my child or yours. Just show me the data that masking causes all the issues that were named.


I am very sorry for your loss

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