Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

No, not our choice, and we have been lucky that my parents have been careful and reasonable and pretty much on the same wave length as us during the pandemic. But they do look to us for an opinion sometimes.

My 80 year old mom said something about a great-niece’s wedding in the pre-vaccine COVID summer and I said “mom, you can’t go to X’s wedding” (in a “you really shouldn’t go/it’s not worth the risk” tone, not an “I command you not to go” one :smile: ).

She would to have loved to see her only sibling (grandparent of the bride), but she knew she shouldn’t go (lots young people people from various high case/no mask states attending). I think she was just looking to us for confirmation. Of course, the family totally understood.

BTW, many legally competent people do some not so smart things. (There is a reason that older people are targeted by swindlers/scammers, for example.)

I think some older people can be a lot like teenagers - the brain just may not be at it’s sharpest. :smile:


Most folks I do see wearing mask are still wearing cloth masks, not N-95 or KN-95 masks, so I am not sure how effective the mask mandates are without mandating the type of mask due to how Omicron spread (Cloth masks were not very effective from some preliminary data I saw against Omicron).

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I have worn KN95 since very early on.

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If you were wearing a mask in public and someone asked you disdainfully why you were wearing it, what would be your response?

@bluebayou, this question is not meant for you specifically. I had to edit my other comment as I posted before seeing moderator instructions.

I’d say, “My husband is a biologist,” if questioned about about wearing a mask.


If they are asking me in an inquisitive way, I would tell them that I am wearing one until every age group has received access to get vaccinated.

If they are truly asking me in a disdainful way, I would tell them I am wearing a mask because I want to.


I’d simply say, ‘wearing a mask is more comfortable for me, thank you for asking.’ And then drop it. (The ‘my spouse is a biologist’ comment is prolly not the best bcos that can get into a science argument, and the science has always said cloth masks don’t do much; better than nothing, yes, but still not much protection.)

and, wrt to your other response, my son’s wife is a Teacher and they have chosen to move across state lines 4 times in the past 10 years and will be moving again this summer. All for better opportunities. (Not what I’d recommend, but their lifestyle choice.)

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I would reply that I don’t find it at all burdensome and if by wearing one I can potentially reduce the spread of Covid - even just a little - I don’t see any reason not to and am actually happy to do so to protect others.

If I were feeling particularly bold, I might then ask, why aren’t you?


I’d say, oh, it’s a simple thing to do so I figure why not? Plus, I’m an engineer and studies show that it helps.


I wear a cloth mask over my N-95. I think it looks better. But you’re correct, too many people just have cloth masks on still.


I wear a mask because I have very young grandchildren whom I love to see and want to protect.


Quick aside - the article is about private schools (10% of the school system and they pay teachers far less than public schools) and the articles conclusions and title are based on anecdotes, not data.

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I have never worn a cloth mask - I’ve been wearing N95 or KN95 masks since day 1, because my husband is a biologist and he thought cloth masks were worthless. We were given N95 masks by our DIL who had been in Dubai and picked them up there. We opened the package before we knew there would be a mask shortage and then (at first) the hospitals wouldn’t take them because we’d opened the package. Later when they were willing we donated the ones we hadn’t worn.

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I think we are dropping masking too quickly, particularly in places like grocery stores and pharmacies where many of the more vulnerable populations must go. COVID is still here and more variants are coming.



I’ve been asked why we wear masks sometimes when it isn’t common. My answer is simple. “Can’t hurt, might help, and wearing one doesn’t bother me at all.” If I know the person asking shares my Christian faith, I’ll also add the part from the Bible that says, “if someone asks you to go a mile, go two,” then make a joke that perhaps I should be wearing two masks.

No one has pushed beyond that.


No way I’d ever tell my competent elderly parent not to do something where the only risk was to them. ( if I thought they were endangering someone at greater risk that’s wholly different….like driving) . And I’ve made it clear to my children that such directives or even advice will NOT be welcome. I think at 90 choosing to see who I want would trump all risks taken.


I was talking to a friend today who is a family doctor in Germany. She was telling me about changes in Covid vaccine administration protocol in Germany to allow for aspiration of the needle prior to administration of the vaccine. My understanding is that accidental intravenous administration of the vaccine, instead of intramuscular (which is very rare) has been linked to some of the adverse effects of mRNA Covid vaccine administration like myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombocytopenia etc. (also very rare). She was asking what the policy is in the US and I told her I have no idea. I received the vaccinations in my deltoid muscle and wasn’t looking to see if the nurse or tech aspirated the needle or not. She mentioned Denmark also follows these guidelines. She was telling me that she was trained to aspirate when administering vaccines in med school so no change in methodology for her. Just like physicians everywhere she’s been slammed these past few years but is thinking of coming to visit us with her family and do a western states road trip. It made my day and I sure hope the pandemic numbers allow us this reunion!

Must vary based on location. Around here, most masks are surgical-type or N95 / KN95 / KF94.

Most cloth masks are of moderate to low effectiveness against exhaling spread, and lower effectiveness against inhaling virus. However, well fitting ones can be worn over surgical-type masks to ensure that any side gaps in the latter are pressed closed.

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Here is a page about aspiration of the needle while injecting vaccines (or anything).