Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Page claims that airplane ventilation is very good when the airplane is in flight, but is often turned down while on the ground. It suggests that if you find it difficult to wear a mask through the whole flight, wear a high quality (N95 or similar) mask only while the plane is on the ground (particularly while boarding and leaving the airplane), since that is when most of the risk is (while the airplane ventilation is running much less).

President Biden tests positive for Covid. There’s no avoiding it.

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Yes, it’s amazing the difference a year makes. This news is being greeted almost with a shrug—I think very much assumed that he’ll be just fine. A year ago, having a head of state contract covid was so different. Same with my mom who has many risk factors—she got it 2 weeks ago, and I was not very worried at all. She, too, took Paxlovid and sailed through with just a runny nose for a few days. If she got it last year, I would have been soooo worried. Obviously still there are people who suffer worse, but the rate of serious responses has plummeted so much that I do think collectively people worry dramatically less than earlier.


Yep. My 90 year old mom got it a few months ago. The doctor had her call every day to see if paxlovid was indicated. But she only had a runny nose, no cough at all. The doc decided against any drug and my mom felt fine in a few days.


So I’m on day 11 after symptoms started and still testing positive on antigen tests. Haven’t had symptoms for many days, and it was never worse than a mild cold. Challenge is that I have family coming to town today (4 of 5 had covid in May), no one at high risk. I really don’t want to wear a mask in my own kitchen, but don’t want to be reckless. Our house is well ventilated and most activities will be outside. Thoughts?

Why not wear a mask for just the one day to get to day 12?

Tell your family and let them decide.


Update: new test shows an extremely faint, barely visible line. Visitors don’t seem to care either way. H had a rough go of it a month ago so we’ve been sleeping in different bedrooms. Could really use that extra bedroom now. I think that at this point I’m unlikely to be contagious and he should have immunity from his recent infection. I’ll let him make that call.


My daughter now has Covid; she has had one booster. Her husband got it while traveling out of the country for his grandmother funeral last month, so she made him stay there until he was negative. Their 3 year old received her first vax last month, and is due for her second this week; I don’t know if this will change her schedule.

I suggested my daughter contact her oncologist today to see if she is a candidate for Paxlovid. She has high platelet counts, so is at increase risk for blood clots. She wasn’t excited about contacted him, but will do so to avoid hearing me nag her about it! :zipper_mouth_face: Currently she said she just had cold symptoms, so hopefully it stays that way.

She was due to go visit a couple of college friends this weekend; guessing that trip is cancelled. She and her husband have the worst luck with travel and plans out. I think almost every trip they have planned has been cancelled or shortened due to illness, Covid, or something else during the last 3 years. This family never gets a break and I know she was looking so forward to seeing her girlfriends with no toddler.

Who here has not (to their knowledge, given the possibility of an unnoticed asymptomatic infection) gotten COVID-19?

I have not. Perhaps it is due to continued avoidance of eating in indoor restaurants, continuing to wear masks for quick trips into grocery stores, restaurants for take-out, etc., although I do basically normal outdoor social activity (without mask).


I haven’t had it, that I know of. However I did have a couple of months bout of extreme hair loss, with no explanation. Since that is something that can happen after Covid, I may have. I do eat at indoor restaurants, usually at off peak times, but still mask on public transportation and stores.

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Neither my husband or I have gotten covid to the best of our knowledge. We take no precautions. I haven’t worn a mask in months, we eat inside restaurants, travel often, etc. I have attended many indoor work meetings with no masking. We are both vaxed and double boosted but we have gone back to living as if covid doesn’t exist.


I haven’t had covid that I know of. I wear masks indoors in crowded public spaces when local numbers are relatively high (like now), but generally have been living normally. Have eaten indoors, gathered for holidays and parties etc. with others in our/their homes, gone to movies, etc. I am double boosted as well.


Neither husband nor myself have knowingly contracted Covid. Both fully vaccinated and double boosted. Basically same precautions as you - masking when indoors activities necessary (shopping, husband at gym), all social activities outdoors, all dining outdoors. (We are lucky to do that year round in San Diego, and neither of us work or have family nearby to consider.) I double masked throughout my air travel in May. Due to age and underlying conditions, we prefer to protect ourselves ongoing. Covid does exist and plenty of people in our favorite Meetup have been missing events due to Covid, often having a tough time with it. So we know it’s out there even if people want to pretend it isn’t.


I had not had it until today when I tested positive. I am guessing I got it from DS who tested positive on Saturday.

We have not traveled or done anything for two years. I went to one indoor gathering in April but otherwise have not eaten inside, etc etc.

It’s frustrating when I see so many people doing all the fun stuff I forgo and yet not get sick!


no covid in our house, either, and so far the grown kids & their families have escaped the virus. (Do not do home testing, so could have had an asymptomatic ver and not known it.)

The only protection is to wear a N95 at the airport and on planes. Have made several cross-country trips as well as to NorCal.


No covid diagnosed here. Husband and I are both fully vaccinated and boosted. We regularly see S and DIL and their kids, and all have been vaccinated fully for their age, even the 2 yr old! Our D was visiting in May, stayed overnight. Started to feel congested in am, tested and was positive. Put on a mask, got in her car and left!
We tested a few days later even though no symptoms as a precaution.
Edited to add D had stayed wither her brother the previous day.


My husband and I, both vax and double boosted have escaped Covid for NOW. We both work in medical, wearing mask for 10+ hours a day. He has started going back to the gym a few months ago, but may stop again, to work out at home. I wear a mask everywhere inside, but we have had dinner occasional inside a restaurant; we only take our mask off while at the table once the food arrives. Husband does not mask at the gym.

Today one nurse in our office was out with a positive test, one doctor not feeling well and 2 nurses saying they have slight sore throats; my time may be over for avoiding Covid!

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Nope nope. Not tempting fate by replying


I haven’t gotten Covid, to my knowledge. I did have a couple of viral illnesses in Feb. and April '20 but neither fit the Covid description exactly. My DH had Covid (tested positive, with symptoms) in April of this year but I had no symptoms and did not test positive. He is double vaxxed and boosted, as am I. He felt poorly for about 5 days but recovered within a week. He has a slight barking cough that he did not have before, but it’s getting better. I have decided that I am not getting a second booster. I am willing to get one Covid shot per year (as I do for flu) but I am not getting a shot every four months. The side effects of the shot make it not worth it for me.