Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

But it seems that many people would rather play some other kind of lottery, where the “prize” is getting infected with SARS-CoV-2. Of course, there are various levels of “prizes”, ranging from unnoticeable to life-changing.


I can’t help but think that Ohio $$ could be used in so many other, better ways.


The Ohio covid vaccine lottery is random. The covid infection lottery isn’t. If everyone had the same risk in terms of prizes it would be very different.

Money isn’t Ohio’s. Its from the federal money cannons.

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If this turns out to be true, we may soon see a stampede of American “vaccine reluctant” men racing to CVS and Walgreens.

Seriously though, how a study with only 4 participants makes national news is beyond me.


I am thankful that 154 million people in the US are at least partially vaccinated and hopefully this nightmare of a pandemic will be over soon. As a healthcare provider the stress we were under is not sustainable.


As mentioned in this post, the timer for closing of this thread has been removed. Feel free to continue the discussion and please use flags to alert mods to review any posts.


I’m still seeing the timer, too.

I have a family member who believes that the vaccine is the government’s attempt to kill off old people. No amount of reason, science, data will change her mind. We are gathering this summer for a memorial service for my parents. We’re doing the service outside but gathering indoors to eat afterwards. She will be the only person unvaccinated. My H is super uncomfortable with taking his mask off to eat around her and thinks she shouldn’t be invited to the luncheon. I don’t know how in the world I would go about enforcing that as I’m 100% sure she would show up no matter what I said. Thoughts?

Is anyone else who will be there immunocompromised or otherwise in a medical situation where being vaccinated is expected to give weaker immunity than for most people?

If not, then she may not be much of a COVID-19 threat to you or anyone else. Of course, if she wants to keep playing COVID-19 lottery with herself, that is her own risk and responsibility…


We will have a number of octogenarians present, including someone battling cancer.

I’m surprised to read all the posts (here, on wedding thread) that people have issues of going to events with people who are unvaccinated. There are going to be unvaccinated people ‘out there.’ At stores, at restaurants, at sporting events, walking near you in the park, standing near you at the library or dentist. Until today, children weren’t vaccinated (and many still can’t get the vaccine).

You can make the event any way you want, @momofboiler1 . If you want only vaccinated people to attend, make that a condition. It’s a service for your parents (are you hosting?) so you can set any conditions you want. No unvaccinated people, masks required, social distancing, sitting with families only. Those are your choices to make. Of course, you’ll lose some attendees with no children and this relative. You may also have people who lie about being vaccinated.

Yes I’m hosting. I specifically said in the invite that we feel safer gathering because of vaccine availability. Good thought about having people only with their own family groups at the luncheon and we will definitely be wearing masks indoors except for eating.

We’re still being very careful in our every day life. No indoor eating, no sporting events, and definitely distancing from people indoors.

Absolutely tell them it is mandatory.


How does the new guidance on mask wearing work? People don’t need to wear masks inside if they have been vaccinated. How do you know who has been vaccinated?

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I think the mask mandate is for private homes no? There is no way you could know in a public place who has been vaccinated and who hasn’t.

You don’t.

Which is why an important distinction is whether there are sufficient involuntarily unvaccinated people that others would still be expected to help protect them.


For those reluctant out of fear, I am three days out from my second Pfizer and feeling fine. I was a little under the weather for two days, nothing horrible. I am sensitive to the PEG ingredient of the shot and as many here know, suffered a lot of angst about getting the shot. No reaction to either shot on site, and only headache and malaise for two days after the second. Hope this helps someone who is “vaccine reluctant.”

Now my daughter is going to visit. Haven’t seen her since 12/19. And I can go inside my 94 year-old mother’s apartment.


I am so happy for you @compmom! That you finally get to see your daughter! And she gets to see you!

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How do I know someone who comes into my house has been vaccinated? Ask them? What if they lie? Ask to see their vaccination card? Blank ones are for sale on the internet.

I’d need new friends and family if I couldn’t trust them to be honest :wink: