Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

That happened to my mom and a bridge group she plays in. The woman that wasn’t vaccinated and contracted Covid claimed that no one asked her!

I heard that in subsequent card groups, people were questioning players.

The good news is that none of the vaccinated players got Covid. The vaccines worked!


@annoyingmom21 also posted two anecdotes of indoor gatherings that ended up being COVID-19 superspreader events, except that the vaccinated people (including those only 11-13 days after and those who had only the first of a two dose vaccine, except for one on chemotherapy that lowers immune response) did not get sick despite most of the unvaccinated people getting sick around them.


My guess is that if people lined up their friend group in order of trust, and then invited them one by one to their house starting at the top and working down, asking each if he/she is vaccinated, at some point you will get to someone who will lie. And for many (maybe even most) people, that lie will be told before expected.

At this point most of those who wanted to get vaccinated got vaccinated. If any asymptomatic fully vaccinated people get not vaccinated by choice people sick it’s on them.

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Where is/was this timer?

I had it too but it’s gone now. It was right above (or maybe below) the share, bookmark, flag & reply buttons.

So glad this thread remains. I feel it’s a very important and popular one, as evidenced b so many posts.

I can’t wait until D gets her 2nd shot plus 2 weeks. It will be later this month but I wish she were already fully vaccinated. She’s not reluctant, just waited until it was her turn.

Her housemates all got covid when D was stay in with us in HI. They’re waiting until the right time post covid—there seems to be some confusion on when that is. They are all interested in being vaccinated, I believe.

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I find one vaccine reluctant friend is overall reluctant to seek medical treatment for anything, due to unpleasant experiences, previous side effects, errors.

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This may have been covered. Eat outside whatever it takes.


I got vaccinated in March when my age became eligible but to be honest if my wife had not already made me an appointment I don’t think I would have made the effort.

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As long as it’s making the news it could help. Lately, since when does anything have to be proven beyond anecdotes? :wink:


Haha, whatever works!


People tend to believe anecdotes more than data anyway.


“Giving people cash for getting a shot now or sporting event tickets for getting one before the game does create incentives for people to wait. People who are already vaccinated do not get the $$ or the tickets. People will remember that when/if its time for booster shots and will be encouraged to hold out for rewards”

This is incorrect. Everyone in Ohio who has had the vaccine, even on day one. gets in the lottery for money. DeWine just explained that on CNN.


@jym626 it was at the bottom of the thread…it stated when the thread would end. It has been removed.

You quoted only a part of my post. Literally right after what you quoted I said:

I am surrounded by people in extreme ends of the spectrum regarding the vax and I feel I can’t win. Either way, I’m afraid of the emotional fall out when I get the vaccine. I will have family members and friends who will be so upset with me for getting it. Relationships will be damaged. And currently I’m dealing with friends who think I’m crazy for waiting, like I’m some kind of fringe anti-vaxxer which is certainly not the case.

I know I will be sneered at here for this, but what I have been struggling with most is the fact that I don’t have a choice to get a vaccine that has absolutely no connection to a cell line that originated with an abortion. Every available vaccine in the US has some connection for either development, manufacture or testing. HEK293 or PER.C6. I would never criticize others for being vaccinated for Covid with any vaccine but I honestly wish I had a choice. If a different vaccine without that connection were available, I would have been one of those online day and night trying to get an appointment. As it is, I am dragging my feet, knowing my conscience will be pricking me.

I have been following this issue for at least 15 years and my kids are all vaccinated with vaccines that have these connections, so, so like I said, I am not anti-vax, but it is still something for which I wish I had a better choice.

And, yes, I do worry about getting infected and spreading it. I can be careful but the people around aren’t always.

I have had my antibodies tested twice three weeks apart and both times I had IgM positive but IgG negative. I am think the IgM positive was probably a false positive and due to cross-reactivity due to an autoimmune issue but might test the antibodies again to try to confirm it. If I had IgG antibodies I might try to wait for the kind of vaccine I want.

H finally scheduled his vaccine and I am relieved.

My oldest D has a family history of chronic ITP on her father’s side. She herself has a history of symptoms of thrombocytopenia (petechiae) with abnormal clotting tests. She will not be getting the vaccine for now.

Second daughter is waiting. She is concerned about the fertility question, and she wants to be a mom more than anything. Like others, it is probably not much of a likelihood but the potential mechanism doesn’t seem all that different from the myocarditis.

Third daughter is vaccinated and I took her to the appointment.

Last child I am waiting on because she is in that youngest age group which was just opened up, and I will feel better once more data is out since the number is that age group in that trial seemed small from what I read.

So this is our story of my vaccine reluctance. I am sure people here will criticize it, but that will probably only make me drag my feet longer. I think if people were to say, I hear you and I’m sorry and I want the best for you, it would push me in the direction of getting the vaccine sooner rather than later. No one in my social circles is doing that. I’m just getting ridiculously unscientific conspiracy theories sent to me by the anti-vax camp, or shamed by those who think we should get the vaccine no questions asked.


Wouldn’t only the adenovirus-vector vaccines (not the mRNA vaccines) have this issue?

Also, COVID-19 itself has been implicated to clotting disorders.


Completely agree covid itself could be a bigger risk.

Adenovirus vector vaccines are definitely off the table.

Thank you for sharing your Vaccine reluctance story. You are right that the fringes of both sides of the vaccinate or not vaccinate “question” have been pretty vocal.