valentines day

<p>wow everyone is off facebook and CC. i guess theyre all pretending to be busy? :[
happy valentines day i guess if that means anything</p>

<p>Valentine’s Day is silly. Here’s why: If a guy buys flowers [or whatever, anything “special” or something] for his girlfriend [or whomever], it’s expected and ends up not actually being special. If he doesn’t, he’s automatically seen as some insensitive jerk who doesn’t care about said girlfriend [or whomever]. It makes no sense whatsoever, and sort of defeats the purpose to show any affection for your significant other if it’s on a holiday, like, specifically created with that intention. People shouldn’t especially express affection on V day, imo, it only really makes them seem hypocritical.</p>

<p>It’s not hypocritical, as long as you acknowledge the ironies. Or if you’re completely unaware of the ironies.</p>


empasis added</p>

<p>valentines day…in a nutshell…for me at least…blows.</p>

<p>I absolutely despise Valentine’s Day. It gives the impression that you only need to celebrate your loved ones one day a year, instead of 365. It also isn’t spontaneous or romantic. It is expected. </p>

<p>This was my third Valentine’s Day with my boyfriend, and we did nothing. Hung out a little bit, nothing different than usual. Don’t see why it needed to be.</p>

<p>I completely agree with INVENIAMVIAM. I also hate all the stupid little misconceptions that guys always forget it and single women despise Valentine’s because they’re lonely and bitter when they could just hate it because it really is a stupid holiday! I find them very offensive for both the guys and girls. It underestimates guys and makes women appear as if they’re needy and emotional. UGHHH !</p>



<p>how romantic - make sure it’s protected.</p>

<p>Why would you need protection for that</p>



<p>I don’t know why this is so funny…
but it is.</p>



<p>Idk maybe the innuendo?</p>



<p>Let me rephrase this,</p>

<p>I don’t know why that innuendo seems to make me laugh so much. Normally I’d just roll my eyes.</p>

<p>lol am I the only one who had a real Vday? Gave gf a coldstone pie (haha), two fake rings, and orange flowers…went to KFC (lol)…went to a lookout and took pictures of the view…went to a veterans memorial and took more pictures of the view…drove to the best sunset spot on the island (lol only like 3 couples there)…went back to her place and watched Best Friends Girl (lol her pick) and then watched a little of the Break Up before I went home. Pretty good (and random haha) day.</p>

<p>^ no, got foodz</p>

<p>I spent my valentine’s day at the art studio, painting and chatting with friends, while my boyfriend spent it paintballing :slight_smile: It was an awesome day. But not because of valentine’s. Because it was another art marathon Saturday :D</p>