Vanderbilt Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

We are adding more to waitlist also.

I got in, beyond shocked! Also - can confirm that all of the “portal astrology” was BS.


Son got accepted in CS, we ignored this application and didn’t submit CSS profile so we don’t see financial aid details.

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This that got in can you please post stats???

had 1 address but still accepted! portal astrology isn’t real but fun to pass time haha


It is crazy hard to predict. DS was waitlisted. It’s his 3rd. Also waitlisted at Rice (and Northeastern but that feels like ages ago), but got in to Michigan. That was a surprise!

I do agree that CS is the toughest major in any college, at least this year.

DS waitlisted. COE (Mechanical). 1550 (790m, 760v); NMF. 4.0. High rigor. Science research. Good but not STEM extra curriculars and Leadership. 7 APs (can’t take til 11th grade) but lots of honors, etc. we thought it was a long shot and are surprised he was not flat out rejected. As I noted above, he got into Michigan on Friday, another surprise and waitlisted at Rice on Saturday. Was planning on Purdue Honors til Michigan threw us for a loop. He’ll be fine. But waitlists are purgatory!!!

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Son rejected. 4.0 UW, AP Scholar, internationally ranked athlete, 36 ACT and recent recipient of a National Merit Scholarship. Makes zero sense but thankfully he only applied to appease me as it wasn’t on his list of top choices.

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Amazing! Congrats on that. Does he row boats or something?

How difficult is it to come off the waitlist? I’ve seen a lot of waitlists.

A lot of people decline Vanderbilt’s waitlists I’ve heard in hopes of ivies, Stanford, Duke, etc. Also I researched it and it says that around 12% of enrolling class (192 students) is from the waitlist. Assuming waitlist acceptance yield rates are lower since kids have already committed probably a little less than 500 are taken off. I would say thats a pretty good sign.

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When D was at Vandy (she is a graduate), the Cost of Attendance was pretty padded. Not sure if ND’s is padded. What you need to do is take only tuition, fees, room & board charges for each and total them. Then subtract only the grants/scholarships you were offered at each school. Compare those numbers, which will give you an apples to apples comparison. You may find that the two schools are closer in cost than you think. Work study is earned as you work, and you aren’t guaranteed to get a job or earn that much. And if part of your ND package is loans, you didn’t get loans in your Vandy package - but you can request to borrow $5,500 in loans freshman year from Vandy.


waitlisted (applied as a psych and political science major)
4.28 W/3.67 UW and didn’t submit rank (attended a competitive top 50 high school, but most students stay in state/don’t get into T20s), 1540 SAT, no ACT or subject tests, 4 AP scores submitted (5s in human geo and psych, 4s in bio and world history, 10 pre-ap classes taken, 12 APs

national merit commended scholar, nhs, national african american recognition program scholar, AP scholar with distinction

own a small business, work with several local, state, and national youth-led political/social justice organizations like March For Our Lives and High Schools Democrats of America

additional info:
rejected from yale (rea), hopkins (rd), rice (rd), and usc (rd)
accepted to bowdoin (rd), ut austin (non auto-admit), fordham, usf, university of houston honors college
honestly didn’t put as much effort as i should’ve into my supplement and didn’t request an interview, but still turned out not bad for me

That’s not how the privates tend to manage waitlists these days – they tend to offer slots off the waitlist to kids they are pretty darn sure will enroll, so yield off waitlist is much much higher than 1 in 5. I don’t remember if Vandy is one of the schools that more or less calls ahead of time and asks if you would take a spot off the waitlist if offered it and then only actually offers it if you say yes. My memory last year was that not many kids got off the waitlist, but hopefully this year will be different. My son never did. Waitlists barely moved at top schools last year, and that meant they didn’t move much at schools one tier down from that. It was rough. Wishing a better year this year for you all.

I was curious and tried to look at the Common Data Set. I couldn’t find where Vanderbilt reports how many are placed on the waitlist like some other schools do. I can’t find the actual CDS for last year (hopefully someone is better at finding it than I am!!) but found this summary. Am I reading it correctly that 453 were accepted off the waitlist last year? That seems high so maybe that was the number placed?

I found the 2018 cycle CDS and they took 243 but this was pre-pandemic.

Rejected. 4.0/4.6/1550

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If I had to predict, they’ll wait until the halo of Ivies/Duke/Stanford wears off and then start working the phones for waitlisted folks. Probably wouldn’t make any sense to do so until those other decisions have come out. Just my IMHO

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4 years ago my daughter was on the waitlist and it was a total root canal. You have to periodically assure them that you are still interested. They seemed to have waves approximately every 2 weeks taking a small group off the list each time. She never got off the list. But she did transfer in for her sophomore year an is graduating from Vandy in May, probably summa cum laude . Just letting everybody know so they can realize where you are now and where you’re going aren’t neccessary connected quite yet.


Do you know if there’s a way to reach out to them. Or do they usually reach out to you? Because I would gladly enroll at Vandy (even over the ivies and other privates I applied to) if they took me off the waitlist. Just really love the school lol and how kids live on campus all four years of their undergrad career. I feel like it really fosters that amazing community feel. Plz Vandy

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