Vanderbilt Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Yes. Your passion for them does not matter in regular decision, but it does matter coming off the waitlist. You can write to your admission officer that you will definitely accept a spot and how much you want to go. Then just reply to the periodic emails you will get asking if you wish to remain on the waitlist.

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My D got off Vandy’s WL last year. They had a Zoom WL info session. I’ll add my notes from that call last year. My D heard 5/3, late afternoon. They only did one round of WL admits last year, all on 5/3. They WL was kept open until early July. Guessing they still took a few specific needs here and there, but only one big WL admit day.

Good luck to all on the WL.

2021 WL info session notes: They have intentionally left about 10% of the class open for WL. Could be more, possibly less, but figure it should be at least 10%.

No calls- email only- and notices will not go out until early May after they see where the deficiencies are in the class (gender/location and which of 4 schools has more openings are all important. Major will matter only within Music, Peabody school of Ed. or Engineering- NOT Arts & Sciences.). Some very specific instrument major WL offers have already gone out.

They hope for about 1000 students in Arts & Sciences.

Intentionally will not say how many kids received WL or how many accepted a spot on the WL.

Everyone will get an email May 1 asking if they want to stay on list or be removed. Reply immediately. They want to start working to pull from the WL ASAP. It should all wrap up by late June- possibly as late as 1st week in July.

Emails will go out asking if you’d like an offer. If yes, it will come instantly in the portal upon receipt of a “yes” reply. FA will come within 12 hours. All FA offers will be exactly the same as ED/RD. Will then have 3 days to say yes or no. The offer will be pulled after 3 days.


This is great information. Thank you so much. Just wondering why you can’t tell us how many WL received and how many accepted the spot. Also do they send the offers out to everyone who still wants to be on the WL after May 1st or do they still filter out the stronger from the weaker applicants?

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S22 Waitlisted (Mechanical Engineering)
OOS (California) Public High School (10th in Class of 580)
3.9 UW/4.5 W GPA
6 AP’s (all with 4’s except one 3) 5 more senior year
Mechanical lead for FRC robotics team
Varsity Volleyball (3 years)
Some community service
strong essays
1550 SAT

Accepted: UCLA, Berkeley, USC, UC San Diego, + others
Waitlisted: Notre Dame
Waiting on: Stanford

California kid with no ties to Vanderbilt, but applied at my request. He’s pretty happy with his West Coast options so he will not accept a spot on the WL. Congratulations to all who were accepted and best of luck to those hoping to get off the WL.

Wow he already has some awesome options. I can’t imagine Vanderbilt giving him a better engineering degree than Berkeley.

That’s awesome. I also got into UCLA (business economics) and Berkeley (economics). Does he have one he prefers?

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It’s Vandy who said in the '21 WL call that they would not intentionally say how many offered or accepted WL spots. Wish I had that info to share!

Many who accept a spot on the WL will change their mind after 5/1 decision day and just feel happy with their choice and want to be done. Vandy asks all who said yes to the WL again on 5/1- do you still want to be on the WL? If yes, they are still in contention. Spots are then offered based strength of applicant, any updates sent, LOCI, and per the zoom call- specifically filling institutional needs (gender/geography/spaces in the 4 schools, etc).


Did folks get emails to go with their decisions? We were at a game late tonight and my daughter commented on how she hasn’t gotten an email from Vanderbilt in awhile lol. I guess she needs to check the portal when she wakes up?

Portal astrology for the number of addresses was totally a scam for Vandy. Hoping those who get to apply in the future see this

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Daughter was waitlisted
4.67 GPA
6 APs
Very strong EC and community awards
Econ major
Accepted at: Williams, Wesleyan, UC Berkeley, UCLA , UCSB
Rejected: Northwestern, Northeastern,
Waiting on few others

Daughter rejected
4.47 GPA
IB Candidate
Heavy activities/state championships/music + leadership/community
Accepted at UMich EA, Penn State, W&M, Georgia
Rejected Northwestern
Still waiting for 2 more

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Daughter waitlisted
4.5 GPA
10 AP’s
Music & Theater with leadership
1510 SAT
Accepted: Penn St, Pepperdine, USC, William & Mary
WL: Vandy, Carnegie Mellon, Wake, Northeastern
Rejected: Northwestern

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Rejected biology
4.6 GPA
12 APS
1534 SAT (800 Math)
Accepted: Gtown, ND, UVA, UMich, BC, Holy Cross
Waitlist: WashU
Denied: Vandy, Northwestern

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DD received an email from Vandy stating the decision was coming out on Monday.

Email was sent on Sunday.

DD should have a decision in her portal.

Lots of people said their email went to spam. That’s where we found it.

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Was the wait list call for anyone on the wait list or only for those offered a spot from the waitlist? Thanks!

Last year it was only available for registration after claiming a spot on the WL. It’s purpose was to explain how the WL procedure was going to work and answer questions.

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As others have described below, Vandy will just keep asking if you want to stay on the waitlist. I do think that writing a very strong LOCI, sending them any updates about what you’ve been up to, might help. They want to know FOR SURE that you will come if they offer you a waitlist spot. In my son’s case he stayed on the WL but beyond writing an LOCI and sending an extra letter of rec, he didn’t do much (I don’t think he even bothered to attend the WL session they held). He had good choices that were going to be a lot less expensive for us, so we didn’t want to push too hard. FWIW since I can see you have some of the same good choices he did, he ended up at UCLA and is having an absolutely fantastic experience. Especially if you are in state for CA so it would be more affordable, give it a good strong look. He loves it!