Vanderbilt Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022


Can u share his credentials and ECs if u dont mind?

Thank you. Wish all the best to your daughter. I am not sure if they send these in batches.

I would assume they all went out. We weren’t really expecting it, but it was her top school. HOWEVER, she’s received many fine offers
so she’s still a lucky girl.


I was accepted to MOSAIC so I was really confident I would get CV, but I guess I didn’t. My EFC is high so I’d be making my parents pay ~$80k/yr for any private school I go to without merit aid. Would have gone to Vandy w/ CV scholarship over Caltech (my other top acceptance so far), but unfortunately that doesn’t seem like it’ll be happening :confused:

Still can’t complain about my results so far, and lots to look forward for the rest of RD decisions. I feel bad that my parents will have to pay so much, though.


SAT: 1530 (730+800M); 3.99/4.63 GPA. EC: help others with cs projects/teach math/CS helped him earn some national recognitions like prudential/baron prize etc. Awards: ISEF grand and a special award, USAMO Qualifier, A few awards, and summer camps cannot tell as it could identify him.


wow, definitely well deserved! congrats to him, he sounds very bright and high-achieving. He’ll end up with many more solid options besides Vandy if he hasn’t already!

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Very impressive!! Congratulations to your son :clap:

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Well earned!! Is this his “top choice” ? Or , is he waiting on some others as well? I hope you all celebrate tonight! LOTS to be proud of.

Congratulations!!! His stats are pretty impressive and so are his achievements. I saw the columbia thread as well. Way to go.

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Thanks again. I am sure, your daughter’s hard work will be paid off soon. He is waiting for his other results. So far he got a few successes, but no top choice yet.

Congratulations! This is a big achievement.

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Congratulations! Very impressive accomplishments!

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Very impressive stats. Well deserved award. Congratulations.

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If you didn’t get an email is it guaranteed you didn’t get the scholarship? The application portal says pending

Our portal shows “received” for status under scholarship. If yours says “pending” then I would have no idea?? Did you check all your email and spam and promotions??

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They just sent out the scholarship rejection email.

Interesting, I haven’t received an email of any sort yet.

Got the rejection email.

My daughter has not received any email either. Confusing.