Vanderbilt applicants, what's your safe school?

<p>My son is a junior and considering Vanderbilt, maybe even applying ED. But we'll need a safe school, just in case. So what are you using as a safe school; preferably someplace that has a lot of what Vanderbilt has.</p>


<p>Interesting choice, hadn’t thought of that. Music, southern, urban, big university. We’ll look into it.</p>

<p>Wake Forest.</p>

<p>Drexel? o_o</p>

<p>Texas A&M :-|</p>

<p>WF is not a legitimate safety.</p>

<p>I would also say Tulane.</p>

<p>UT Austin.</p>

<p>Elon, Richmond</p>

<p>Tulane, northeastern, U conn, villanova, Lehigh</p>

<p>“WF is not a legitimate safety.”</p>

<p>Bird rock said they wanted a suggestion of a school that was like Vanderbilt. It’s a southern school with about the same graduating class sizes. And it’s easier to get into compared to Vanderbilt. That was the closest thing I am applying to besides the super safety school I have, FSU.</p>

<p>Hey, we’re open to any ideas. Even Northwestern. No seriously: it is very similar and it’s safer to apply to Northwestern and Vanderbilt than to just one of them.</p>

<p>The College of Charleston and Elon University were the two safeties I actually liked.</p>

<p>Emory was my second choice, if that helps too.</p>

<p>Tulane’s acceptance rate is like 25%?? doesnt sound very safe</p>

<p>Now, Emory is not a safety, since Emory and Vanderbilt have about the same percentage of acceptances [Vandy might be a bit lower].</p>

<p>Though, I applied to Emory, too. It’s my third choice, with second being Wake Forest, and first being Vanderbilt.</p>



<p>But the 75 percentile SAT scores are significantly lower than Vanderbilt’s. It looks like if you’re a contender at Vandebilt you’re a safe bet at Tulane.</p>

<p>Washington & Lee has a similar Southern vibe, but it’s definitely smaller!</p>

<p>Anyone like me and they automatically eliminate colleges based off their name?</p>

<p>That’s probably THE MOST superficial way of doing things, but I can’t help it. I’m one of those people who goes through life by making choices off of the “vibes” they get. So if I don’t like the name, the college is dead to me since I get bad feelings towards it off the bat.</p>

<p>That’s why I could never apply to Elon, Purdue, or Tulane. Especially Purdue, since [with me being a cashier at a grocery store] I scan Perdue chicken packages all the time. Heh.</p>

<p>You might want to read this thread:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>UAB, Alabama and Auburn are my safeties.</p>
