Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

you’re right!

It came in the mail as a package


chancellor scholars are invited to mosaic (and notified that they are one in their mosaic invitation). the other scholarships (like CV) do come out later though.

ohhh ok that makes sense. thanks!

interesting. Well, maybe they included scholarships for those accepted to MOSAIC. But per admissions, those would be released mid-march. perhaps for the rest of the candidates that did not get the early acceptance through MOSAIC. Can you tell us your stats and ethnicity?

I know most that got the M package got it in UPS, but I see some saying mail. Does that mean some got it with USPS?

it came in a UPS package

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Congratulations! My twins (daughters) applied to Vanderbilt too, but are waiting for acceptance decisions like most of us. How amazing though for you and your twin!!!


Same here.


My son received the MOSAIC package today as well. It does say he has been accepted.

3.77 UW/4.38 W
ACT- 35, 36 superscore
Native American/not first gen/military kid
Will graduate with Associates/ heavy STEM focus
spikes ECs w extensive vol and research
17/392 students in my class
Worked super hard on essays- LOR okay, like a 7
Opt-Out of the interview

Did not mention financial aid, just he was getting an early acceptance notification through this program


For those that received Mosaic, did your Vandy portal change to reflect your acceptance?


I don’t see anything different on my son’a portal

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Mosaic package came UPS. Admission with Chancellor’s Scholarship!


can all students that received mention where they are from? maybe all packages haven’t arrived yet.

Ohio, Asian Indian, we did not apply for mosaic or chancellors only CV, no info on CV scholarship but received the package

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Does anyone know the exact date that all regular decisions will be released?

not announced yet and you will get an email with the exact date and time. Vanderbilt is very good about letting students know that information!

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Did the Chancellor’s scholarship notification come in the MOSAIC acceptance letter?


My daughter just received the Mosaic package!! She is not home so will have to wait for her to open it.