Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Or you’ll read it here. Had not received Lehigh’s email yet yesterday, but saw on here that decisions were out.

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Vanderbilt will send an e-mail about 24 hours before they release decisions. It won’t be too much longer. Just hang tight and say positive!


I wish I never did that sign up for admitted student event… hard to stay positive now…


This might be a bit off-topic, but man, things have changed. I remember the time when Vanderbilt had a 16% acceptance rate.

The wait is like torture. Trying to focus on other things.


With people applying to so many more college this year (I keep hearing about kids applying to 20+ schools), do you all feel like it’s the same students who are going to be accepted at all the Top 20 schools? I wonder how, if at all, they are compensating for this in the number of students accepted, and how yield rates are going to be affected.


Yeah, I think all the same students will get accepted at all top schools, generally speaking, and they’ll have a much longer wait list this year to deal with lower yield and accept students off the waitlist. But the top 5 which have high yields to begin with probably won’t have longer wait lists.


Most definitely, this is exactly what I see happening. All of the same high stats, cancer-curing, volunteer hours-laden kids will be accepted to the top 20 schools. I do not see a holistic approach happening for those who are test optional. This year has been the worst year possible for college admissions due to kids shotgunning 30+ schools. Upon being accepted to 20 schools, that kid takes away the opportunity of 19 other students. COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in the admissions process.


Yes, all the same kids applying to all the T20s hence putting the waitlist into play like never before.


Why do you feel One student applying to many schools would take “away the opportunity of 19 other students”? It may be true that, in general, the high stats students are applying to more schools, but they can ultimately only attend one of the schools to which they are offered admission. Even if they hold a spot in line at the other 19 schools until they withdraw their applications, in the end those schools will fill their slots with other students. The process may look different, but I don’t think the resulting admissions decisions will look much different than it otherwise would have.


Yes, I agree the schools would take students off the waitlist. However, schools normally have a set number/percentage that they waitlist, and one of the rejections probably could have been placed on the waitlist instead of rejected, right? Or am I looking at this whole thing the wrong way?

if youre rejected and not on the waitlist youre probably not a good fit. you cant blame others getting accepted for your rejection

I would think that the more likely scenario is that (if the numbers are truly that much different this year) they just increase the number of waitlist students to compensate for the differences. In the end, someone who the university feels is a good fit will probably get admitted or waitlisted, while the rejections are probably those students the university doesn’t think is a good fit, for whatever reason that is (Not to imply they aren’t good students, just that the admissions officers in that school feel they aren’t a good fit).

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Good point, I’m not blaming anyone. I’m just giving a hypothetical situation. :slight_smile:

Right, good point. I agree.

The way I look at this situation and life in general, if I have done everything to the best of my ability if it’s meant to be it will be. If it doesn’t work out the way I hoped there is another amazing direction for me. That being said I hope I have taught this to my son who desperately wants to go to Vandy or ND.


I feel you. All you really need is one acceptance. I have one from my top 3 so I’m chilling, but it still hurts to get rejected lol

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Excellent mindset. That’s what I’m thinking too. I put my best foot forward and that’s all I could do.

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Aww, don’t feel hurt. You must be amazing to even think you had a chance there. It truly is a lottery at some point. Plus, you got into one of the top three! Congratulations!!!

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are you all thinking decisions will be released tonight? that would seem to make sense given that the admissions office is closed on the weekend and next week the admitted students events start…

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