Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

You know what? If you’re rejected, don’t think that everything’s over. If Vandy is like a dream school to you, transferring is always an option. The acceptance rate for transfers is higher, so don’t panic! Another thing is going for your Grad Studies. There’s a famous professor at rice I met 2 years ago, and he says that where you get your bachelors from doesn’t matter. Even if I get in


I also want to thank you for your kind wishes, it means a lot. Hoping for the best for you as well.

Thank you for the kind words :slight_smile: You’re totally right, the story isn’t over yet.

Is it possible that decisions come out today around 5 pm ct?

I highly doubt it. They would’ve told us yesterday, but who knows.

You got accepted to 4 that’s great and maybe the last 3 will also accept! Out of the 4 are you happy with one?

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Definitely happy with Fordham’s acceptance, just concerned with finances.

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Yes, that makes it a tough decision. You don’t want to take on too much debt.

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I guess we aren’t getting the “heads-up”
Email today. :disappointed_relieved:

im mad… i feel like its unlikely to receive it over the weekend so we are probably going to have to wait

An AO said that they’d send an email this weekend releasing the decision date. The decisions are usually released 24 hours later. I’d say we get the email on Sunday and decisions Monday.

Anyone know what Monday decisions will be released?

yeah “necessarily” speaking none of us know but the fact that Vandy did change the system after people started doing it does make it all even more suspicious so I feel like they knew there was a correlation :man_shrugging:

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Yes but everyone should remember that someone who got an access denied message originally was able to access the admitted students events about 2 hours before decisions were released (at a different school but the same “hack”). just because you got denied could mean they just hadn’t loaded your yes yet! Stay positive! I think decisions are Monday.


*and he ended up getting in to be clear

Yes, that’s exactly how I feel. I am so mad at myself for doing it because it was access denied. I am just praying maybe the decision did not get uploaded yet.

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Someone posted that also another school they did this got access denied and were in fact accepted with scholarships. I can’t remember the school.

Yes I was the person who posted earlier – the day before release the portal hack would’ve indicated I was being rejected but then a few hours before decisions came out it started working and I got into their honors program and with a merit scholarship. The school was American.

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Thank you for sharing, it gives us hope.