Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Hey, I got that email, too! Did we ever figure out if it meant anything?

I also heard that MOSAIC includes Cornelius scholars and kids from rural areas in addition to URM and first-gen :slight_smile:

Haven’t heard anything

My older son is an Ingram Scholar. My younger son applied ED1 and did not get in.

Some people who got the email just got rejected ED2 so it means nothing


Good to know.

Now that ED2 decisions are out I wonder if merit scholarship notifications and or Mosaic will be coming soon ?


Is it true that “preference is given to those who apply” for merit scholarships?

While I don’t know for sure, I assume so, since each signature scholarship requires additional essays. It would make sense to give preference to those who have applied for and demonstrated interest in and put in the extra effort responding to the scholarship application essays.

My daughter asked her AO back in the fall if the AO are able to view the essays written for scholarships when making the admissions decision.

Her AO said that admissions can not review scholarship essays but that scholarship committee can/does review admissions essays/info.

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Good to know, thank you. I didn’t know about the scholarship deadline until it was too late so I’m hoping it doesn’t hurt my chances too much.

Keep your fingers crossed that your application is strong enough to get noticed…you never know:-). Of course I have no basis for my comment except there are always exceptions. I saw on another thread from last year, where a student applied RD (past the scholarship deadlines) but was still considered and received a significant merit scholarship so it does appear to happen, though it is probably a rare.

Any music parents/kiddos here ? Son has interview with Blair after passing the prescreen. Interview is this weekend and quite brief . Any info wou be appreciated

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Wow, that’s great to hear! Thank you so much:)

My S21 had an audition with the Beinen School at Northwestern recently and went in without much info about what to expect. He was given the option to pick his first piece, and then was asked what other pieces he could perform, and they picked the 2nd piece. Afterwards, they asked why he wants to study music at Northwestern (so good to have an answer prepared for those types of questions) and he was also asked what questions he had. All in all very brief, 10 minutes. there were 8+ evaluators during his audition which was quite intimidating, he said:-) Good luck!

I heard on Reddit that MOSAIC should come out this Wednesday (tomorrow) or Thursday if they’re on the same schedule as last year


Hello there - my son received an email from Northwestern saying that he would not be playing during this interview. He plays oboe. He received positive feedback regarding his audition submission, and they presented the dual degree program to him. They then asked about his repitore and shared that the oboe studio would be in touch with him to provide information about it and that he could ask questions about the oboe studio

Yes, that makes sense. I reviewed the instructions my S received. For Oboe, it does state no playing, just an interview. Good luck to your S. Let me know how it goes.

Does anyone know when MOSAIC comes out?

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I am also wondering this