Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I’m guessing they believe he wouldn’t choose them over what I’m guessing are a bunch of Ivy’s he applied and will probably get into? Just a hunch…

Does anyone know what the most competitive majors/schools are at Vandy?

accepted! any idea what acceptance rate was this year?


I was wondering the same thing! Does anyone know?

Tell him not to worry and look forward.

Just too many applications and highly fragmented clusters re: enrolling a diverse class outside the four corners of grades, test scores, and extracurriculars. Add to that the exigency re: test score optional and students who opted not to pay $80,000 a year for zoom university last year have produced applications thus year to infinity and beyond.

Vanderbilt’s applications have doubled in ten years and the supply of spots has remained essentially the same.

The top schools were/are required to accept a certain number of test score optional candidates and to expand the diversity clusters, which is to be expected for a number of reasons. So new clusters have been created, certain spots have expanded, and certain spots have contracted.

All factors that an applicant cannot control.

It’s a lottery today. Nothing more, nothing less.


Accepted to Vanderbilt, waitlisted at Emory.
My stats are as follows:
4.0 unweighted, 36ACT, 5 junior year APs, 6 senior year APs, 4 minor leadership positions in school clubs, pre med bio major, Asian, international student,
Teacher recs= Good
Essays= Bad
Hooks= Covid vaccine research

Idk why I was waitlisted at Emory?


D18 rejected OOS COE, Vandy was a reach school for her.
Best of luck to you all with your decisions and Congrats for all of you accepts.

Rejected. So far I have 7 rejections and 2 waitlists. Honestly, I think that I messed up my application at this point.

Those of you who are accepted - what is your super power. What EC do you think made a difference in your application?

Does anyone know any stats around Peabody admissions?


SAT: 1520/GPA: 4.3
Involved in local ward democratic committee, bass guitarist in rock band with some local awards, job in food shop, political internship

Congrats on WashU! The campus is just beautiful. Jealous :wink:

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Don’t get discouraged! This year has been brutal. I’ve also been getting waitlisted and rejected all over the place. Message me anytime if you need to vent or talk anything over with someone impartial!

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Peabody accepts by major so that will keep changing for each major. It was about 14% for Peabody including ED applications. It is higher than engineering and A&S which are about 11%. This is from 2019.

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Somewhere in the 4% for RD and it was 18% for ED

Listen, things will work out. If are majoring in something like Bio, or something like that, consider attending a two-year school. You’ll have opportunities to transfer to top ranked school, and you’ll spend much less. Another option is a Gap year. It’s an opportunity to save up money, and you can redo the whole application process with a new lens. I wish I can choose one of these two options, but two-year schools don’t offer what I’m majoring in, and my parents are forcing me to attend one of the four-year schools I was admitted to.

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Vandy will have a 4-5% acceptance rate now, I doubt they’ll yield protect anyone

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Son was waitlisted. Do they want a LOCI?

Continuing the discussion from Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision:

Hello! Congrats on those who got admitted! I got in ED1, so it has been a long time coming waiting for the RD decisions to come out. This is your sign to go post on the vandy_2025 page on Instagram if you plan to attend because I want to see your face and connect with you online. Stalking my new classmates has become my guilty pleasure in the least creepy way possible. See you in the fall!

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