@Coloradomama Thank you for connecting me here.
So you have a bit of a conundrum @AQArgo
If you didn’t say that you were unhappy at Kelley, my advice would most likely be different.
——this is my opinion only. I am not a recruiting manager at jp gs or boa. Others may differ. I work at one of these firms and others. This is my honest appraisal as if I were speaking to my own child ——
The most important thing for you is to perform. And I do not believe you can do that with one eye on the door and the other down the road. You really need to focus like a laser beam right now. Classes. Clubs. Connections and friends. Internships. All very important to you. Not just to land a job a Bain, but to be prepared for the job you do land. And succeed. And to ace Gmats. But generally that is after some experience for the top b school programs.
-In a big vacuum, that doesn’t exist.
-Removing individual drive and grit.
-And breaks.
There is a decision tree that can emerge here. And when people say you can achieve exactly what you are looking for from all of the schools you are considering - and dozens more. They are not kidding or paying you lip service.
So in the broad generalities notes above.
-Finance is a better path.
-Econ in a business school > BA Econ
-BA Econ and top 20 b school is certainly excellent.
-BA Econ is great for academics or to actually become you know, an economist.
Overall schools NU and Vandy > IU
IU Kelley Star > NU Econ and Vandy Econ
Current options specific to you
Kellogg >Kelley > Vandy
Kelley IB workshop as good as it gets at that level. For JR year finance internships.
Regional boutiques like Kelley and Vanderbilt a lot.
For IB programs. The top 10 schools account for 30 percent of each new class. No more than 4 percent from any one school, at any single firm, on average each year So the rest of the class is rounded out by other school’s top top students. But these are big name schools as well. All of yours in this list.
Private Equity.
NU and Vandy in the south > Kelley
Any with top MBA Better than ug stand-alone Wharton Hbs tuck Kellogg Johnson Fuqua Carroll UCLA Cal Hass UNC uva Stern Stanford etc. nearly required on deal side
I only know the big firms and in general. It’s even tougher to land a spot.
NU in any discipline that you knock out of the park. Best entre. Vanderbilt close. Econ is perfectly good. Kelley ? Not sure.
Asset management. Mutual funds. Analysts etc. all three schools are great. CFA and other things help. Econ with math. Every strong.
Public Accounting or tax consulting, Kelley
Law school and/or cpa track important.
I would go to NU Kellogg and check out the five year b school track. Don’t know it at all. But sounds great. Econ is fine. But really buckle down and don’t forget to get involved and meet people.
And have a little fun.
I would not normally suggest 45k in debt for nu ba econ vs free for Kelley finance but you don’t like IU and these were the options you have.