Vandy Interview

<p>Has anyone had one yet? Mine's just after Christmas, and I'd like to know what to expect....Some colleges are very evaluative (asking lots of tough questions), while others are super-informal and are really just time "ask questions about the school." What was your Vandy Interview like?</p>

<p>I’ve been talking to my interviewer via email and it seems like its gonna be pretty informal. were meeting at a starbucks this weekend. I’ll let you know exactly what to expect once I finish mine</p>

<p>thanks, fellow Austinite ;)</p>

<p>mine seems really cool, too!</p>

<p>As you’re already expecting, I think, mine was also very informal; we met at a little coffee house and just talked for about an hour (we kind of got a bit off track, actually). The school does send them specific questions, like what books have you read lately or what your favorite movie was, that kind of stuff. My interviewer was also very cool; honestly, they’re excited that you want to go to their school and as long as you get that across, you’re probably golden. Good luck!</p>

<p>I just finished my interview. It was at starbucks and was very informal. My interviewer graduated in 2007 and didnt seem like he prepared too much for it. I mainly just asked him questions about different aspects of vanderbilt and classes and stuff. my interviewer was wearing jeans and a casual long sleeve button down shirt - typical starbucks attire (lol) is what I would recommend to wear.
So just know a little about the school and be ready to answer the “what do you do outside of school?” question. Mainly just have a conversation and be relaxed.
its really nothing to worry about</p>

<p>O MY GOSH!!! I just had my Vandy interview, and it was incredible! I hope all of my college interviews go this splendidly!</p>

<p>It was at a local Starbucks, and she did ask the standard questions (Why Vandy? Extracurriculars? Favorite class? etc. etc.) but about 30 minutes into it, we just started chatting! We skipped around so many topics, everything from European cultures to poetry to tutoring kids (she was a Child Psych major, so she loved that) to sports. It was amazing. It ended up being like an hour and a half of pure awesomeness.</p>

<p>I love Vandy :)</p>

<p>Damn! I hope mine goes as well as everyone elses! I hope mine gets to be pretty relaxed and goes off topic a bit [if he asks me what my favorite movie was like someone above mentioned, I swear, an hour is going to be spent just on that topic]</p>

<p>It’s in 5 days! Wish me luck!</p>

<p>I realize that this is totally different from your experiences but I will be flying out to Nashville in a couple of weeks for an interview for graduate school. What is the city like in terms of transportation? Did you find it easy to get around? Did you get lost? How far was the airport from the campus?</p>

<p>when I visited I got out of the airport and paid 25 bucks including tip at around midnight and they took me straight to the hotel - very easy and I would say its worth the 25. I heard there are buses to get around, but I would highly recommend staying at the Marriott right by campus to avoid a NEED for the bus.</p>

<p>My interview is scheduled for tomorow. I just aranged it with him five minutes ago. Its a good thing im good on the spot. Wish me luck.</p>

<p>Be sure to tell us about it!</p>

<p>for belevitt,
Super Shuttle now operates in Nashville and is much cheaper than a cab. The Vanderbilt campus is barely 15 minutes from the airport in nonrush hour traffic.
There is a Marriott right by Vanderbilt football stadium as well as a cheaper Holiday Inn Express just a block further away. Both are within walking distance of many restaurants including PF Chang’s, Atlanta Bread Co, Starbucks, Flemings,pizza joints, you name it.It is very easy to get around Nashville.</p>

<p>I have my interview tomorrow. We are meeting at Starbucks. This person is an alumni from my school so, hey hey hey, there goes an advantage!</p>

<p>Good luck to all of you with your interviews. I think its great that Vanderbilt is now interviewing candidates, because it gives both sides a chance to put a more human face on a school. My S also applied to Georgetown but wasn’t as thrilled about it until he had the interview then it really sparked a greater interest in the school. In the end, he was accepted ED to Vandy (yeah!) and soon after the letter arrived, he received a VERY nice email from his interviewer congratulating him on his acceptance - nice touch!</p>

<p>Starbucks seems to be the common meeting spot. My son also had his interview at Starbucks and it was very casual. He did not find it very stressful and basic questions about activities and leadership experience seem to be addressed. He got in ED also and all went well.</p>

<p>I’m so anti Starbucks. I understand the atmosphere it provides is calm and relaxed, but there are other coffee shops! </p>

<p>Mine is at my school, so I’m happy. =] My guy is actually on the Alumni spotlight on the Vandy admissions page. Dr. Steven Solomon. That kind of makes me a bit nervous, for some reason.</p>

<p>Congrats on your son getting in, ibnhf1!</p>

<p>Done with my vandy interview. Went for 2+ hours lol. My guy ended up being a civil engirneer who went into real estate finance. We ended up talking at least half the time about real estate and running differnt scenarios on property investement. Only had two major gaffes where I forgot some terms but oh well and kind of justn hung there saying uhhhhhhhh for a good 20 seconds until he guessed what I was going to say. I think I sold myself pretty well but at the end he was like, well whats not on your application that you want me to say, and I was kind of just lost considering I had said so much already. All in all decent interview.</p>

<p>Thank you to all who responded about the transportation in Nashville. The school booked my hotel and I think it is actually the Marriott that several of you have referred to. Thanks again.</p>

<p>hilsa, my son is anti Starbucks also. One reason why he went to interview with a bad attitude was because they were meeting at Starbucks. He is also anti Dunkin Donuts. I’m not sure what that all means but he just does not like anything too trendy i guess, especially Starbucks. Good luck to everyone!! Vanderbilt was the perfect fit for my son. The schools know if it’s a good fit and they really want you to want to be there. His acceptance letter did mention the word enthusiasm when describing whether they thought it indicated he would find the school an exciting place to continue his education.</p>

<p>My interview was amazing. Of course, it was only about 50 minutes long since my other friend from my school was getting interviewed as well [the senior class president -_-].</p>

<p>I really got the point across that I really wanted to go to Vanderbilt and that it was my number 1 school.</p>

<p>I got off on a tangent about film [yay for Slumdog Millionaire for winning 4 golden globes]. Then I talked about Chemistry, and then a bit about history. If I could be a fly on the wall at any historical event, I chose the meeting at Yalta between Stalin, Churchill and FDR. Then I talked about Winston Churchill and his amazing quotes. Then I talked about coming out of my shell through working for 2 years. </p>

<p>I truly enjoyed the whole thing. I can’t even remember most of it. He was really nice and intelligent. By the end my interviewer was smiling a lot and called me “funky.”</p>