Vandy vs. Berkeley

<p>Hey I just got into Vandy and UC Berkeley, and I am just trying to decide where to go. If anyone with some knowledge of both could give me some advice about that I would be really appreciative. I know both schools are like polar opposites, but I just cannot make up my mind!</p>

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<p>They are opposites. Need more info. about you, your intended area of study, post undergraduate intentions, etc.</p>

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<p>DD goes to Vandy. If you have specific questions pm me and I'll try my best to help!</p>

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<p>Go to Berkley and tell them to let me have your spot :)... jk
They are quite opposites... depends on what you wanna do...</p>

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<p>Aleksandr, Are you in CA? Did your Vandy mail get across the country in 1 day or were you notified in another way about Vandy?</p>

<p>both are phenomenal institutions, but extremely different. Berkeley is major research university while Vandy prides itself on a more liberal education. For example, prospective engineers go to Vandy b/c they want to study liberal arts in addition to engineering while prospective engineers go to Berkeley b/c they want to research and get jobs right after college. Vandy will definitely provide a much more personal experience: smaller class sizes, VUsceptre program, etc. Politically Vandy is about 50/50 lib/conservative while Berkeley is highly liberal. </p>

<p>I'm hoping to get accepted to Vandy; its one of my top choices along with Northwestern, Notre Dame, and Cornell (if I get in). Notice all of these schools are smaller private schools, which is what I want. I plan to major in econ. and be pre-law, and thus, in my case, I feel Vandy is the better choice b/c I want a smaller liberal arts environ to prepare me. </p>

<p>However, you have to choose what you want, what's best for you.</p>

<p>Berkeley, outside of the South, is more prestigious while Vandy is very strong in the South. Nonetheless, I think, not sure though esp. about Vandy, that both schools are known nationwide.</p>

<p>For undergrad, Vanderbilt. For graduate school, Berkeley.</p>

<p>Hey Alekzandr- I live in the S.F. Bay Area and applied Early Decision to Vanderbilt (got in), even though I knew I would receive a Regents Scholarship to Berkeley. So here's why I chose Vanderbilt over Berkeley and the Ivies: First, Vandy has a great national reputation--(that "Southern" university idea is so eighties.) Berkeley is a large public university and has all the red tape and inflexibility of, well, a state school. No way can you just "choose" to change from, let's say, psychology to engineering--something that is completely possible at Vanderbilt. It's not unusual at Berkeley (and other UC's) to hear about people spending five years to graduate because of the inflexibility of switching majors. And sometimes, students can't even get into all the courses they need without spending a fifth year. In addition, the Vanderbilt student body is more diverse. Students there come from all over the country and the world, versus mostly California kids at Berkeley. I LOVE Nashville's temperate climate. Berkeley has the San Francisco fog--nothing wrong with that---I'm just ready for beautiful autumn leaves, followed by a SHORT winter followed by an early spring. Vanderbilt is in the center of the music industry. I happen to love that and can't wait to get an internship on Music Row. The Vanderbilt campus is cleaner, greener (it's a national arboretum) and more updated than the Berkeley campus and buildings. At Vanderbilt, you are guaranteed four years of housing. Berkeley doesnÂ’t have guaranteed student housing after freshman year. And last but not least, Vanderbilt students are just really happy. There is a level of care for the students there, that is notÂ…obviousÂ… at other competitive colleges. Nevertheless, Berkeley is a good school and if you want the California experience (complete with a full wardrobe of tie-dye shirts:) it could be fun. If you can, you really should visit both campuses. They are different enough that you will immediately know which is the better fit for you.</p>

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