Vanteus Sat Prep!

<p>for anyone whose taken the vanteus academy sat prep class can you give me your opinions on the class as to how helpful it was..etc thanks!</p>

<p>I've never heard of that...Interesting...</p>

<p>This is the first I've heard of it too. Are they local to where live?</p>

<p>2 of my friends attended and got 2400s. Caveat, though, they're incredibly smart on their own. They said it's pretty much kill-and-drill, but in an intensive way. Vanteus will come hunt you down/notify your parents/etc if you don't do your online homework or show up for one of the classes. It takes over your time in a huge way: you're there for a huge amount of time every week.</p>

<p>Well, that's not really sth I'd like to do--well, as long as someone isn't having enough motivation to prepare himself for a standardized test, only they shall take those sorts of classes!</p>

<p>it sounds tough; lol.</p>

<p>I have never heard of it either. Where are they located?</p>

<p>in the bay area.</p>

<p>They are amazing - really drill you hard. I believe they've had quite a large percentage of the 2400's in the Bay Area over the last couple of years.</p>

<p>Which bay are way talking about? Chesapeake?</p>

<p>It's in Fremont. I was part of it, but I think the majority of the people who take this course are just naturally smart. They basically just teach you out of the Blue Book, and make you come in at random times to take full practice tests. They score you, give you analysis, and etc.</p>

<p>I scored better without Vanteus prep the second time around, but they did raise my score about 100 points from my very first practice test (:</p>

<p>They're in the San Francisco Bay Area - they have locations in San Francisco, Pleasanton, Cupertino, and Fremont.</p>

<p>With lots of practice, one naturally improves. Vanteus basically teaches out of the blue book, and they use many practice problem photocopied from Barron and Kaplan alike. You could've studied them yourself. I think its illegal that they are plagarizing the problems...</p>

<p>This is a money making machine that ONLY caters to Chinese-Asian students in the SF Bay Area. The Cupertino location in particular is just about money. They illegally use photocopies of Barron’s, Princeton, Kaplan etc.</p>

<p>If you aren’t East Asian you will feel very uncomfortable in this place and even some Asian kids who arent super fobby feel weird in there. </p>

<p>Do we really want to trust a place that hires people who can’t speak English to teach us English?</p>

<p>tried it, didn’t work for me. Agree with above poster, however their english teachers are fluent speakers, just not the receptionists. Also, a number of their 2400’s are from students who are already very strong in all subjects, who needed only a little bit of fine-tuning to reach it.</p>

<p>is this like a SAT boot camp?</p>