Various questions regarding the post-application process

<p>Alright, I’m quite naive in the college application process, and since this seems to be a forum comprised of knowledgeable members, I just want to make sure I’m on track.</p>

<p>I sent in my app on Nov. 27 and applied to UCSB, UCSD, UCI, UCLA, and Berkeley. I’ve since received confirmation emails from UCI and UCSB, as well as an Alumni scholarship email from UCLA. Is this to be expected, or should I be inquiring with UCSD, Berkeley and possibly UCLA as to why I have not received confirmation emails?</p>

<p>Also, I only found out the SAT scores need to be reported via College Board on January 1st, so I rushed all my scores to each college. I initially thought that the colleges made their decisions on self-reported scores, and that applicants verified them post-admission (I told you I was naive). I didn’t send in my ACT scores, as my SAT’s were comparatively higher (29 on ACT’s and 2160 on SAT’s). And plus, that’s like an extra 20 bucks right there, and I have a passionate contempt for the ACT website. I’m hoping this was the right move to make. I’ll be damned if I have to visit that idiotic website with its cutesy flash animation and annoying music again.</p>

<p>To the best of my knowledge, the SAT scores have to be received by late January, or else your application could “possibly be in jeopardy”. Since rushed scores supposedly take two days, I’m hoping I’m in the clear. I checked the application status website (<a href=“[/url]”></a>) and it shows my test scores as being officially on file. Is this the same for all the UC’s, or should I check individually?</p>

<p>Any help on the above queries would be greatly appreciated. I’m not only incredibly naive about the whole process, but notoriously stubborn, which has proven to be a potent combination.</p>


<li><p>confirmation emails/mail i've recieved are from UCI, UCSB, UCSD. i don't think UCLA or berkeley have contacted any of us.</p></li>
<li><p>if it says the official scores are on file on that website, i believe it means for all the UC campuses.</p></li>


<p>Also, I have another question:</p>

<p>Due to my schedule, I have a number of locked classes that aren't offered any other period. As a result, I will be taking college prep government next semester. I reported that I would be taking honors, although I didn't have any real idea last semester. This is the only low-level class I currently have.</p>

<p>First of all, will taking a general class have any bearing on my admission chances to the UC's? And secondly, do I have to report that I'm taking general government as opposed to honors? If so, where to?</p>


<p>I would imagine that you need to contact the UC's and tell them there has been a change in your schedule but I'm not sure how you would go about doing that....ask your counselor.</p>