Hi guys, I have been recently pulled off from Vassar’s waitlist, and that has put me into a sweet struggle of having to decide between Vassar and Tufts.
I am interested in the humanities (English, history, philosophy, and religion) and studio art. I know that people usually say Vassar’s strength lies in the humanities and the arts. Yet, when I visited, my tour guide told me that the studio art curriculum at Vassar “needs some improvement," which worries me a bit.
I have been accepted to Tufts’ combined-degree program with the SMFA at Tufts, meaning that in 5 years, I can earn a BFA degree from the SMFA at Tufts and a BS or BA degree from Tufts’ school of arts and sciences. I was super excited about this program; however, when I went to the revisit day, I was a little unimpressed by the SMFA’s facility—it’s very small. I think Tufts’ most popular majors are IR, econ, psych…While I don’t want to take that as necessarily a reflection of their lack of strength in the humanities, I am kind of ignorant of their humanities programs, especially regarding to how it would compare to Vassar’s.
Also, my dad and some family friends insist that Tufts has a little bit of an edge over Vassar when it comes to prestige, which I personally doubts.
I have to decide within 4 days; all your help will be deeply appreciated!
Thank you very much!
Though Tufts enjoys a popularity that appears to be far reaching, I would not regard Tufts as more prestigious than the intellectually oriented Vassar.
In your case the choice should be relatively simple, in that you have been accepted at a top college in Vassar that has particular strengths in two areas, humanities and fine arts, that align with your own. By that combination, almost any other college would have difficulty competing with Vassar.
However, your decision may be confounded by the potentially excellent attributes of Tufts’ combined fine arts program (but then further confounded by your tepid impression from your visit). Tufts would be very strong as well in some humanities fields such as art history.
Quite seriously, how do you feel about the Hudson River School? Vassar’s location could be a deciding tip in their favor with this aspect considered.
@merc81 Thank you! You’ve articulated my struggle pretty well! So many factors keep pulling me one way or another. i am personally more interested in avant-garde art and animation film.
On Vassar’s campus, my impression was that avante-garde art is popular and respected.
Your last challenge may pertain to an interpretation of the tour guide’s comment regarding Vassar’s studio arts. Unfortunately, without the benefit of elaboration, its foundation appears to be a bit of a mystery.
Btw, when considering your two schools, I like your choices here. You’ve done well to have them, @SashaFonn.
@merc81 Thank you very much!! I might be able to call a Vassar alum and a Vassar student who majored in Studio Art at Vassar before Monday. So hopefully that will resolve the “mystery” behind my tour guide’s comment. 
Sounds great! Let us know, @SashaFonn.
Congratulations on getting off Vassar’s waitlist! You have two great choices. You can easily double major in fine arts and another subject at Vassar because there are fewer distribution requirements at Vassar than at Tufts - check out the exact classes you would need to take from each school. You can graduate in four years with a double major at Vassar vs. five at Tufts for the double degree. Think about how this affects you ‘moneywise’ and also what you might need for grad school. Several years ago a family friend was at SMFA and transferred after one year (not in the Tufts combined acceptance). It was not a good fit for her but with the Tufts acceptance, your experience could probably be different. Read everything you can on the latest happenings at SMFA. Vassar is very intellectual and collaborative. We got into intellectual conversations in the Vassar parking lot with students as we were waiting for S1 to meet us.
Also check out the housing situation. I think Tufts does not guarantee housing all four years ( verify this- my information may be old) while at Vassar most students live on campus all four years - the senior housing is great! Additionally there are no fraternities at Vassar - very inclusive and supportive environment. I hope this helps - it all depends on what you want your college experience to be. Please let us know.
When did you hear back from Vassar’s waitlist? I’m also on their waitlist but I haven’t heard anything back yet…
On the above, many upperclassmen choose to lI’ve off campus because there are a lot of houses that make for good living environments after dorms. So as you look at this, know that it isn’t 100% the school tossing kids out of the system but something that sort of evolved based on mutual desires. Not sure if that is good or bad - depends on your perspective. I think they may maintain a list of landlords who work with students but am not positive.
Greek activities have always been minimal, but available, at Tufts. If you wanted Greek life, I would say that you should look at what it is at Tufts before getting excited about it. Clearly not an issue for you.
@gardenstategal @chemusic @merc81
Hi people,
Thank you very much for those wonderfully thorough advices! After much serious contemplation and frantic mental struggle (Because I really love both schools!!), I’ve decided that I’ll stick with Tufts. Because I think easy access to a city is going to be important to me, for both social and academic purposes. And given how undecided I am regarding my major, I personally think that Tufts, as a bigger school, might provide me with more options to explore.
I definitely hate to say no to Vassar----It, along with Tufts, has been one of my top two schools for almost half a year. I am still in love with its intellectualism, sense of community, and unparalleled campus; I believe there would be days when I miss Vassar as an excellent option while at Tufts. But considering that college experience is not only about what happens within the classroom, but also about the next four (or five for me now) years of my life as a person, and that Tufts’ humanities departments, tho probably not as good as Vassar’s, will not be pure trash, I think Tufts might fit me better. (As a friend of mine once described me as “intellectually Vassar but socially Tufts.”)
You guys are very awesome people, and probably exemplifies the “teamwork” spirit celebrated at Vassar. I appreciate all the helped you’ve offered.
@angelieh I believe that most schools don’t release their waitlist results all at once, so don’t panic! Let Vassar know that it is your first-choice school if 1.) it actually is 2.) you haven’t done it yet. (I think it’s never too late to demonstrate interest!) I really hope that you do get in! Best of luck, and let me know how it goes!
Fantastic, @SashaFonn!
Btw, I’ve no connection to Vassar (or Tufts), but did relate to your tough decision. So I guess you don’t really know who you’re hearing from on CC.
Great news on your decision! It was a tough one for sure. We are happy to help anytime with questions. I loved your comment - intellectually Vassar but socially Tufts. We loved Tufts also and know several people who have attended Tufts and had great experiences. Check in and give us an update sometime.
Congratulations! Go Jumbos!