VCU 2024

Congratulations! At the very bottom of the page, you should see a link to the acceptance letter. Scholarship information comes later at the end of February. I think its a relatively short turnaround to decide to accept, basically you have the month of March to decide to accept by May 1.

sorry for the late reply. they were told at the audition that a decision would be out by Christmas for theatre performance and, I assume, for technical theatre because there were students there for portfolio reviews.

Congrats!!! Theatre performance daughter is ready to get her decision! Accepted to George Mason. Will audition in NYC next month for other schools.

I have not received a decision from VCU yet and I applied on October 30. Should I be worried? I applied as undecided

no, there doesn’t seem to be rhyme or reason. Call them if you are worried.

We are waiting too for business. Applied end of Oct.

Does anyone on the thread have any idea when VCU will start to admit business students. I applied on sept. 2nd and this “rolling admissions” they are doing sucks.

We are waiting as well. Long process.

Applied November. Haven’t heard anything

Has anyone heard from Cinema? My kid applied mid-November and hasn’t heard anything (except for the fake-out).

Anyone heard from VCU Engineering? DS has been admitted to JMU and ODU. Still waiting to hear from VCU.

@bjbaker My child got admitted to VCU Engineering a couple of weeks ago. GPA >4.0 and SAT > 1500.

My DS applied to engineering. He did get a Happy New Years card from the College of Engineering that stated his new Year would be good. It seemed to be what could be called a likely notice.

@bjbaker when did your son apply? My DS applied Nov 1st and haven’t heard anything but the holiday card

@2019boston he applied Oct 31st. He received the holiday card as well but nothing else.

Daughter just got email at 851 pm to check portal and she’s in!

I also received an email saying that an update has been made to my portal. I got in!
Applied: 10/30

GPA: 3.47 weighted
SAT: 1150
Heavy load of IB classes
Lots of extracurriculars
Volunteer work
Leadership roles

@Looking4twins my son was admitted to the VCUarts Cinema Program on 12/12. He applied mid-Oct.

Waiting since end of September. No word at all.

How do I get to the VCU portal? I looked in my emails and can’t find a link anywhere where I can check.