Venting: calculus test Tuesday night

<p>Napermom, I do know what you mean. My first was a NMF and I didn’t even consider Alabama for him…just too far away. He ended up at a school about 6-1/2 hours away, rather than 12. However, S2 is at Alabama (I found out more about UA the time between my 1st and 2nd) and actually it takes them about the same time to get home as he flies rather than drives. Yes traveling costs are more expensive (especially the 1st year as you have visit and bama bound costs, and a parent visit) but we are still paying ALOT LESS because of scholarships than closer schools. S1 does not come home any more than S2 so I see them about the same.</p>

<p>Son has a test Tuesday evening, tonight, but his other classes have cancelled because of professors traveling ahead of the weather. Son is flying through Dallas tomorrow morning, which I didn’t think was a problem, but looks like it could be. Our backup plan is the train. The Crescent actually comes to NOLA, where you can transfer to the City of New Orleans, which goes to Chicago. Don’t know the logistics but may be something to consider in a pinch. I am really missing that direct flight from Birmingham to New Orleans that we used to enjoy when son first started Bama.</p>

<p>“I wish the school would just close the whole week.”
Spot on as usual, M2CK; with the out of state enrollment climbing from 22% to 53% in ten years, this would be a hugely beneficial step for many families. We kept our son on campus last year during Thanksgiving and looking back realize it was a mistake in many ways, as all parents can understand. This year we are flying him home to Maryland for five days at considerable cost; a week off would have been much appreciated.</p>

<p>The problem with a whole week off is that it would likely cause the dorms to close and force kids to go home who otherwise could use the pre exam study time. I’m more of the opinion to let them stay on campus, though I do remember how lonely it was being one of the few to stay on campus while I was in college. But I do remember liking the chance to enjoy my beautiful campus and do homework at a relaxed pace for a change.
The only reason we’re pushing for son to come home this holiday is so we can use the time to beat some sense into him to get those grad school apps in. It’s not going to be a pleasant holiday time and I’m sure he’ll be regretting his decision to come home in no time.</p>