<p>Hey, i just wanted to know if anybody has received their verification email from collegeboard...i still haven't and don't know when its coming, all i know is from an email from northeastern i've been selected...also is it a "good" thing?</p>
<p>does it say that you’ve been “selected for the class of 2013”? because that means you’ve been admitted!</p>
<p>This may be in connection with financial aid; many students are asked to “verify” their reported financial status by providing actual copies of tax returns etc.</p>
<p>[Verification</a> – Northeastern University Student Financial Services](<a href=“http://www.financialaid.neu.edu/after/verification.php]Verification”>http://www.financialaid.neu.edu/after/verification.php)</p>
<p>it was an “informal” email, i just asked if they received my fafsa and css, and they said im missing the verification. HOwevr, i NEVER got an email from collegeboard and i need it because i can’t log on, i wanted to know if anyone else is having this problem, because im freaking out here!</p>
<p>i was thinking the same thing because i have no clue if they recieved my fafsa or css because i have heard nothing so far.</p>
<p>Phew… I thought I was the only one missing the email from College Board… I’m having the same problem o.0 so I sent my financial aid counselor an email regarding this…</p>
<p>and apparently the deadline was MArch 1</p>