<p>I couldn't solve the following problem. It looks very difficult to me. It is the problem that appeared at the very end of the section. How would you solve it when you have only 1 or 2 minutes left without trying out endless numbers?</p>
<p>18) What's the greatest 4 digit integer that meets the following 3 restrictions.</p>
<p>1) All of the numbers are different
2) The greatest digit is the sum of the other 3 digits
3) The product of the 4 digits is divisible by 10 and not equal to 0. </p>
<p>( I don't understand how to get a product of the 4 numbers that is divisible by 10 without equaling it to 0, or else I'm interpreting the sentence wrong)</p>
<p>since the greatest digit is sum of the others, try to take the 1st digit the greatest. and since the product is divisible by 10 but not equal to 0, then there should be a 5 and an even digit and no 0 in your number. i hope it is 8521</p>
<p>i hope you do get the point dont you?</p>
<p>Thank you so much :)</p>
<p>you get my point dont you?</p>
<p>i mean surely you can see that you cannot choose 9 as your 1st digit. if 9 is your 1st digit and you need to have a 5, then it leaves you with 2 digits whose sum is 4, out of which one is even and other cannot be 0. it can be possible only if the digits are both 2, it violates rule #1.</p>
<p>hope it doesnt confuse you much. cant actually communicate my ideas properly by typing. it seems gross.</p>
<p>Sure, I got your point
But i’m not really sure if I can solve this kind of problem if I face it on the real SAT considering I’ll be short of time and be nervous, etc.</p>
<p>how old are you bro?</p>
<p>Does age matter when solving this kind of prob? lol</p>
<p>nope. i wanna know what grade are you in.</p>
<p>I’m no longer in high school. Are already done with your SAT?</p>
<p>well im in my junior year of high school and havent given sat even once. dont laugh at me. anyway ill give it on march.</p>
<p>I’m sure you will easily get 800 on math. How about your critical reading and writing? Are they good?</p>
<p>well lets wait and watch. ill give my best try. and yes, my teachers say they are good too. i hope i get good marks.</p>
<p>Lucky you. You have a plenty of time
Are you inherently good at math or is it just because of a lot of practice?</p>
<p>and no my math skills arent even that good. its just that 800/800 is kinda easy in sat. i mean no math skills are required at all. all they check is your analyzing ability. im pretty sure youll get good scores too(are you giving sat btw?). just think sane. as i said earlier no math skills are required whatsover in SAT 1.</p>
<p>and no as a matter of fact i never practise SAT 1 math. its just your analysis power not your math skills. however i guess you can improve by practising. anyway are these the toughest sums on SAT or are you just posting easy questions on purpose?</p>
<p>I’m not really sure I can get a good score. I can easily solve some mechanical problems that require no reasoning like there is a definite approach like formulas or sth. But when it requires a little bit of reasoning or analyzing, I just screw it up. Also, my math interpretation is terrible. But I’m trying my best 
I’m taking it this coming weekend…phew, really scared…lol</p>
<p>I would say both. It’s just the ones I got wrong and I’m reviewing.</p>
<p>worry is the 1st thing that screws it up. be sane, analysis can only be done when you are sane. </p>
<p>and tbh the last problem did require a bit of analyzing. im not meaning to be rude but the others which you had posted earlier were all crap. what i wanna point out is that you dont at all think when solving a problem and try to solve it mechanically. you should analyze it and try to solve it like you’d solve a puzzle. and what do you mean by mathematical interpretation? if you can read english, you can do it. and remember worry and tension are the last things you wanna be the victim of. stay cool and relax.</p>
<p>and while practising try to solve them like puzzles not problems, especially the types like the last one.</p>