Very Important App Question

<p>Does being incredibly attractive (or, alternatively, really really ridiculously GOOD-looking) help admissions chances to Ivies? I'm thinking of maybe sending a supplemental modeling portfolio.......</p>

<p>kidding :p</p>

<p>Oh for sure, HYPSM ONLY accepts the <em>MOST</em> attractive looking applicants. Who needs SATs when you've got my kinda looks :)</p>

<p>Well, I mean, really....who doesn't this face on their brochure next year?! <em>Blue Steel!</em></p>

<p>Please tell me someone on CC will catch my Zoolander references lol</p>


<p> self centered as i may sound... i think i would be getting into all the ivies if that was the case. haha. :)</p>

<p>Same here. We're not self-centered; maybe you can't handle the truth! lol</p>

<p>Humor aside for a bit, I actually do fitness modeling... I know I will put it down on my app, but should I send a portfolio, lol?</p>

<p>lol sure, idk. I guess it depends on where you apply.
Three cheers for attractive, yet still intelligent, people! hurrah!</p>

<p>haha :D yeah I like not being restricted to one area (academics) or another (modeling) but being able to do both..
But I never thought of sending in a portfolio. Damn, maybe one of the adcoms is a recently graduated female..</p>

<p>hahahaha that would be so awesome if you got in, and then on your acceptance letter, she scribbled "Call me!" and her # lol</p>

<p>Ok, this is a serious concern of mine.....are there any attractive women at HYPS? Please say yes.....</p>

<p>That would so make my day (year) :D</p>

<p>worth a try :)</p>

<p>actually, i think that being attractive boosts people's self-confidence (well...sometimes, too much), and self-confidence is a common attribute to successful applicants. also , attractiveness makes you pretty popular , and allows your projects to be more successful, having more eager participants and the like.
my opinion.</p>

<p>Upenn and Brown allow uploads of your photograph.</p>