Very important question

<p>If I have never ever gotten a detention or any other disciplinary action before, but just got two detentions today for skipping one class period to work on a big project that was due later in the day, would that affect my chances at colleges(esp. Harvard, common app...)? In my school, it was called truancy, and i have to do two detentions for 30 min each. Thanks. Also, would colleges know about this if i don't tell them?</p>

<p>Are you serious?</p>

<p>Unless you made a bomb threat to buy yourself some time with that project, you have nothing to worry about.</p>

<p>Detentions are not permanent records, and while I'm not going to say that playing hooky is an okay thing to do, it would've been a better choice than attending class if not getting that project done would have completely ruined your grade (which, of course, colleges can see).</p>

<p>That was one concern of mine, colleges seeing the detentions, but i am also afraid that this will somehow make my GC or my rec teachers develop a more negative perception of me, and that may come out through the letters.</p>

<p>So what do you think, will my rec letters be hurt due to this truancy? And if yes, how much do you think it will hurt? please reply.</p>

<p>someone please answer...</p>

<p>Well did you skip class for teachers who are writing you Harvard recs? You probably want to clear the air with them. That seems pretty obvious to me though.</p>