very nervous junior please chance me!

<p>Hi, I have a 27 on the ACT and a 3.01 uw gpa but will be around a 3.07-3.1 when I apply next year, I will be applying to many schools but I am just wondering my chances for the two that have hospitality management programs, i am just a junior so i will be applying very early next year and I have good ec's, if you could chance me for:</p>

<p>Ohio State (hospitality management, college of education and human ecology, 1st choice)
University of Missouri (hotel management, school of agriculture)</p>

<p>thank you very much</p>

<p>also i will not be applying for financial aid…idk if that helps or not</p>


<p>In-State, if your EC’s and letters of recommendation are really good than you have a fair shot. Your ACT/GPA would obviously be better.</p>

<p>Out of State you have no chance.</p>

<p>oh man…bummmppppppp!!!</p>


<p>You are in with an ACT score greater than 24 at Mizzou…</p>

<p>stop being nervous you junior</p>

<p>hahaha 10 char</p>