Very trivial question

<p>In either of the freshman dorms what do you think would be the largest tv i would be able to fit. most likely flat screen I understand that this is trivial compared to other things but i am working at best buy right now and would like to stock up on necessary goods.</p>

<p>Well, if you plan on lofting your bed (actually you would probably need to get your roomate to agree to do it also), you would have room to put a pretty good size flat screen TV under one bed (probably up to a 27-32 inch one) and create a little sitting area under the other bed facing it. If you aren't going to loft your beds, you are giong to be really limited by space and I would be surprised if you can fit anything larger than a 19 inch TV max somewhere. Remember , the room aren't that big so you won't need to have a huge TV (unless you are my S who wants a fair sized one to keep his 113th ranking in the world in Halo 2, LOL). (Yes, this is a major concern for his parental units but we're giving the benefit of the doubt as he has always kept his academics in focus as proven by his grades and standing, LOL)</p>

<p>My S was not too happy to learn his RM (who by the way left school, giving up a merit scholarship, after the first term because his grades were so bad) was bringing a TV. He would have prefered to talk to the RM first about whether they jointly wanted a TV in the room. </p>

<p>He was afraid it would be on all the time and be too distracting. You might consider waiting til you are told who your RM is and then jointly decide what to make room for - a fridge, a microwave, a TV, a music system, etc. And then see who is bringing what or if it makes sense to shop together during orientation. There are many options and you'll need to hopefully agree or agree to compromise. </p>

<p>In the end, TV was not on much as RM pledged a frat and spend almost no time in the room at all. And S inherited all the appliances they jointly bought when the kid never returned after winter break. Many kids (dorms friends from before the kid pledged) tried to explain to him that partying, pledging and frats are fine but there must be room in his life for classes and classwork too, but no one got through to him. Last we heard he was living at home again, working part-time and attending at CC. He took his TV home with him.</p>

<p>Now I realize that lots of very successful UM kids bring TVs. The point of this post is really to stress it is a room you will share.</p>