very wierd reply email from umich, waitlist response

<p>I sent Umich a letter regarding my strong desire to attend and included some extra awards I had won recently that weren't on my application (first place in state finish in JETS competition and first place finish in Physics competition in NJ and a finalist for Physics Olympics Team from my school). I also informed them I had taught myself and was taking the Calculus BC exam. </p>

<p>They sent me back a letter stating they had received my letter with a couple of remarks. This was the second paragraph (keep in mind what I mailed them): </p>

<p>I understand your disappointment with our decision and would like to assure you that your application was reviewed very carefully and given every possible consideration. Individualized and comprehensive multiple reviewers took into account the strength and quality of your academic and preparation indicated by your secondary school transcript, your scores on standardized tests, and your high school teacher and counselor recommendations. We also considered such aspects as personal characteristics and attributes, as well as your written response to the short answer and essay question. One of the most significant factors is the high school recalculated academic GPA, which, in your case, falls below the middle 50th percentile range of students we typically admit.</p>

<p>Does this mean that I cannot get in off the waitlist or that it would be near impossible since my GPA is lower than the 50th percentile? Is that what is holding me that or is this just a generic letter, bearing in mind that they listed academic achievements first and ended up talking about GPA last, my weakness...
I took from this that my chances of getting of the waitlist are near impossible, is this true?</p>

<p>What was also wierd was that the subject of the email was Response to UMICH Decision appeal. But I never appealed anything just sent a letter reaffirming my interest and desire to attend.</p>


<p>They didnt say anything back to me. I sent my letter through mail. Did you send an email?</p>

<p>oh, and our school doesnt rank…so maybe that has something to do with this?
dunno it’s weird
let’s hope for the best</p>

<p>no i mailed it </p>

<p>they said “thank you for your april 25th letter” not sure if thats when they received it or postmark date or w.e. but i got an email today</p>

<p>Maybe your letter got tagged wrong and got the wrong response. The reality is, once U-M sends out waitlist letters, they get loads and loads of appeals. People write to express their disappointment, or to say things like “well, I didn’t want to bring this up before, but my Uncle is actually a big donor…”</p>

<p>I have no idea whether it means your gpa is, in fact, lower than the median, or whether that was an error, or what it means for your waitlist chances.</p>

<p>when you are dealing with a school like UMich, there is a consistent lack of personal attention in their admissions office…this looks like a form letter, although they did date it…(wow…)…I don’t think you can assume anything, other than that you were not admitted on the first go-around…they are more like a “don’t call us, we’ll call you if we want you” kind of place…letter means nothing in terms of your waitlist chances…</p>

<p>forget it and move on… umich doesn’t take people off the waitlist anymore.</p>

<p>what makes you say that…? </p>

<p>ive heard stories of people getting off, but for some reason they always seem to be weird situations</p>

<p>recent trends in admission at umich is that admission has gotten much more competitive and the class size has grown over the last couple years… effectively removing the need to accept anyone off of the waitlist.</p>

<p>blackpen i wish you were wrong but i can just tell you are right</p>

<p>this is terrible</p>

<p>Don’t feel that bad. You can always transfer if you really want to go to umich. Best of luck.
What school will you be attending, if things go as they have in the past few years?</p>

<p>as of now my state school rutgers if i dont get off the waitlist at emory or umich </p>

<p>will it make ti easier to transfer if i was waitlisted? and since i kinda slipped second semester of senior year, will that be factored into my high school grades that they consider?</p>

<p>Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I feel like in general it is hard to get off of a wait list. It’s one of those things where you hear the stories about the people who got off but you don’t hear the stories about the people who didn’t. Just like we hear a story about a person winning the lottery but the story of a person losing the lottery isn’t as interesting. Not that getting off a wait list is as hard a winning the lottery. Your letter sounds pretty generic. I think the assessment that it is a stock response to a large volume of applicants appealing a decision is probably right.</p>

<p>umich is so unorganized and so overwhelmed you really can’t count on getting off the waitlist
there are just too many kids and they accept so many, especially in this economy…
as saddening as it is, im gonna have to agree with blackpen…the trend will continue (accepting virtuallyy no one)</p>