<p>I'm a senior right now and I this whole application process has me really stressed out and everyday since I started the Common App I worry that I won't be accepted into any college. I think my stats are pretty average from what I've heard... I keep hearing that I have good enough grades but also that you have to be some truly amazing student to be accepted and I really think my extracurricular activities/community service activities are lacking. It looks like a long enough list but I'm worried the individual activities aren't that strong.</p>
<p>My stats:</p>
<p>SAT: 1800/2400
High School Rank 16/154
High School Accumulated GPA: 92% (I messed up a bit in Junior year w/ an 87% average for the year after transferring from P.R.) Not sure what that 92% is on a 4.0 scale.
AP Classes: AP Spanish, AP Literature, AP Biology
Community Service/Extracurricular acitvities/Work experience: Worked 3 months during the summer at rehabilitaion center for the elderly as assistant to the activities coordinator on my floor, participated in/member of an country-wide anti-crime movement in P.R. (2 years; activities included rallies, charity events, etc.), freelance work in graphic design (mostly web ads/splash pages, so far 1 book cover), contributed graphic design work for schools (flyers, invitations, yearbook design, etc.), won several prizes in Spanish poetry contests on a regional level, run online shop (dropshipping), producing graphic novel; hoping to self publish, Spanish as second language, currently learning Japanese as third language</p>
<p>Also, I'm not sure if this counts for anything since it's not related to high school, but I skipped 7th grade so I'll be 17 when graduating.</p>
<p>Essay: How I would contribute to diversity (Somewhat hispanic background (Filipino/Puertorican), raised in a small country-like town in the middle of P.R.; how my increasing interests in other cultures influenced who I am and how I was perceived and show how I'd contribute to diversity in college)</p>
<p>So far, Im sending out my applications to these 4 and haven't decided on any others yet:</p>
<p>SUNY Binghamton
UMass Amherst
SUNY Albany</p>
<p>Do I have a chance at these? Are there any others you'd recommend to someone with the same or similar stats? I'm really going crazy here and I'm not sure where I stand as far as the average applicant goes... I have no athletics activities, no true work experience apart from my freelance work and dropshipping... Am I worrying too much about this? Pls help. >_<</p>