<p>Long read! Summed up at the bottom!</p>
<p>Hey everyone, this is my first post here but I feel like this might be my best place for some helpful advice.</p>
<p>So I'm 28 about to finish my A.S. in General Science at Alamo Community Colleges in San Antonio and I'm getting really excited about transferring! I currently have a 3.7-ish (just received a B in my first programming class, but we'll get to that in a second). I'm really happy about where my GPA is at, but I'm feeling a little lost. A little back story about me, I was in the military doing Satellite Communications and working with Linux so this inspired me pursue a degree in Mech. Engineering. I didn't really like it, but I felt a degree in ME would compliment my experience nicely. As time went on, I started feeling as if i was pursuing this degree simply because:</p>
<p>A) I feel any engineering degree is prestigious and I wanted to be one of the few.
B) I look at engineers as extremely smart and i guess wanted to be considered smart (Lame right?)</p>
<p>So I felt my reasoning was a little off and decided to change my major to Computer Science. An awesome technology degree that would also compliment my experience. But then Programming Fundamentals I hit... I enjoyed it, I guess. But it was a bit disheartening being schooled by everyone in the class to and include the guy that showed up late to class and left early. Yeah, it was a sad day for the home team. I feel if i go this route I'll never be able to compete with the Zuckerbergs of the world and would be reduced to writing programs that print "Hello World" to java newbs for the rest of my career. So naturally I'm rethinking my choice again. </p>
<p>One of the things I've ALWAYS wanted to do was be a high school teacher, but I hear a lot of bad things about the pay and I feel like the main reason for pursuing a degree is to give me financial security. I would also LOVE to finish a some sort of science degree along with pre-med and do the whole med school thing, but I'm not getting a lot of support from my family, friends, girlfriend, or my dog (my dog is house trained but in the middle of me telling my girlfriend how long med school would take he went "number 1" on our carpet :0\ ). I'm also worried about the time it would take to finish med school. I'm 28 now and wouldn't be done till I'm 34 at the least or making any real money till I'm nearly 40. </p>
<p>So summed up here are my questions (or for those who wanted to avoid reading the small novel I posted about myself to millions of strangers on College Confidential lol):</p>
<p>1) Changed major from engineering to comp. science, but I'm not very good at Programming. If I'm doing poorly with it now, is it a good idea to cut bait and walk away?</p>
<p>2) I understand it's never to late to try for med school (currently 28, will be 34-ish when i finish) But if I were your kid, would you tell me to pursue this route? </p>
<p>3) And I guess a quick chance me:
Major: Comp Science
GPA: 3.7
Credits: 48
EC's: none really. I was in the military, did a lot of community service, booster club, and won some awards but i don't think that counts since it was over about 2 years ago.
SAT ACT: None</p>
UT Austin
Georgia Tech
UNC Chapel Hill
UC Berkeley
U. of Washington</p>
<p>Thanks guys! Sorry about the long read! Guess I just needed to vent a little bit of that out haha.</p>