View Meal Plan transactions?

<p>Is there a way to see transactions on the meal plan? I can see Bama Cash and Dining Dollars, but I’m just not seeing the meal plan anywhere. </p>


<p>busymom-I know there was a way last year but it was not obvious. The format is different this year. Maybe I can play around with the screen and figure it out.</p>

<p>Thanks, I’ll keep looking, too.</p>

<p>There is a way to track meal plan use for the limited plans. I don’t think there’s a way to track the unlimited plan…but then that’s not as necessary.</p>

<p>I may or may not be wanting to use it to see if she’s still, you know, alive…I’ll never tell ;)</p>

<p>I would like to know for planning next year. </p>

<p>and yea, the knowing that they are alive thing may help at some point!!</p>

<p>Yes…I just looked and saw my child used a “guest” pass at dinner tonight. My son’s account shows Bama Cash, Dining Dollars and his unlimited meal plan along with the number of guest passes used and still available. Search for Action Card/Bama cash and you will find the webpage. You log in with mybama login id and password.</p>

<p>I just looked at my son’s account and it is as you mentioned. Go into mybama. Click on action card and click through to look at your accounts. My son’s has 4 separate boxes: bama cash, dining dollars, guest meal and bronze meal plan. You click on the box you want the info from and you will get details. My son hasn’t used anything yet so his reflects that.</p>

<p>I hope this makes sense. Good luck.</p>

<p>does it show the number of meals used for the Unlimited besides the number of “guest meals”?</p>

<p>I can see that he did 3 laundry transactions! Pigs DO fly! :)</p>



<p>I don’t think so. My D’s appears to show only guest meals (all of which are intact). It doesn’t make sense to show remaining regular meals, as they’re unlimited.</p>

<p>No Unlimited Plan transactions unless it’s called something else. Doesn’t appear in the “Board Transaction report” as far as I can tell.</p>

<p>Wondering if it’s just not in there, yet. I see an “Unlimited Spring” in the search filter.</p>

<p>I’ve inadvertently become a View Unlimited Meal Plan Transactions activist. indeed, Bama Dinig decided it wasn’t necessary to see, I told them that it would actually be useful, we’ll see what happens.</p>

<p>Just curious, are freshmen required to use the unlimited this year, or do they still have a choice of meal plans? Son did have unlimited freshman year, and yes, there was no way to track his meals. I got him Bronze, or whatever the 90 meal plan was, last year (sophomore year), and that worked out just fine. I did track his meal use towards the end of the semester, to make sure I didn’t have to get him the Thrifty 20, which is an option, but we made out okay. Keeping the same plan this year.</p>

<p>Go busymom!!</p>

<p>3 days into a semester and you’re already trying to follow your kid’s dining transacations?</p>

<p>^^ A friend of mine has a son who never calls or responds to texts, and he doesn’t do laundry either (Ewwww). She used to confirm he was alive last year by his dining hall and vending machine activity.</p>

<p>Actually, I originally noticed it when I went to bookmark these accounts where I keep such things for the whole family (school dining/balances that need checking), and I was curious why I couldn’t see it. </p>

<p>Also wanted to see if my vague threats of, “You’d better use this, we pay for it” were working ;)</p>

<p>Alas, I will survive without it, I just don’t agree that we don’t need to see it because it’s unlimited.</p>

<p>Slippy, are you callin’ the kettle black, again?! Your helicopter blades are whirring plenty frequent too over these various forums, I notice… ;)</p>

<p>When a mom raises a kid for 18 years, and then suddenly has NO contact with them, any data like how many loads of laundry they are doing and what they are eating (indeed, THAT they are eating) are just the breadcrumbs we need to sustain us through the lean times before we eventually get that phone call (asking for more money)!</p>

<p>Jokes aside, if parents are paying for something, we have a right to see that what we are paying for is being used. Also, as another parent mentioned, transaction info would be useful for planning for the following year, to see which meal plan would fit best.</p>