Villanova Class of 2027 Official Thread

The profile won’t come out until late summer/fall. While they include admission numbers, the profile is based on the enrolled students. Common data set is usually released around the same time that has more info on accepted students

Does anyone know if Villanova has invited students to their Honors program yet? Supposed to occur by end of March. I assume so but haven’t read any posts about it.

Son waitlisted business

Daughter from Pacific Northwest accepted but attending was entirely dependant on financial aid. Our estimated family contribution is roughly 35,000 per year. We opened up offer sheet from Villanova and we are expected to pay 56,958 dollars per year, an utterly absurd figure. Needless to say our daughter is disappointed but she has some options closer to home that are in the 25k per year range so will go that route.

Our daughter has been rejected from schools this round that don’t make sense based on previous data. It has been tough- waitlisted from 2 schools that would have been 99% acceptances in previous years. There is something very odd/different about this application season.

Yes this year has been crazy. My oldest started the process 8 years ago. It was completely different. Sadly I don’t see how it is going to get better


We had same reaction and result with our Daughter’s Financial Aid offer. Not close to what we were expecting based on EFC & NPC. AVG aid packages appear to be lower versus looking at prior years.

We initiated appeal to ask to reconsider but I doubt that will move needle much. Likely she will be moving on to another option.

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Do you mean invited to get more info about the program? Or accepted into the program? If the latter - my son was notified along with his acceptance. That was in December (he applied EA).

Oh ok. I never checked his portal. That would make sense. I was just curious since I read somewhere that they’d contact students by end of March. Congrats on your son being invited to join the Honors College.

My daughter will be joining the class of 2027!


Me!! My son was deferred and then waitlisted. So qualified. Heartbroken.


For sure. This application season has been particularly brutal. Personally, I cannot imagine being a freshly-turned 18-year-old having to deal with deferral after deferral, then rejection, then waitlist…!!! My son for sure has had some good acceptances, but this just seems cruel at this point…? Maybe it’s too easy for them to apply? Either way, Villanova is a wonderful place and I hope he will get in off of the waitlist… hope… but being realistic. I have read that applications have exceeded record numbers and schools are deferring like mad to protect their yield.

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My student just removed herself from the waitlist today. I feel confident the numbers would shock us as well. The net price calculators for some other colleges she got into were way lower than the net price offered. She has some great options though.

I always advise young parents to save and invest early in 529 plans so they are prepared for this moment, to give their kids more options. Sure she will be very happy at schools closer to home

This year is brutal and shocking to me. Not sure what stats your son has, but my daughter has very high stats and was rejected by many of the schools she applied to…some we knew were reaches (Ivies) even though she’s qualified for them, and I thought she’d get into at least one! She was also ultimately rejected for the 7 and 8-year BS/DMD programs that she had progressed through the first round for (which gave us a lot of false hope). She was rejected to Vanderbilt where she’s a legacy–we really didn’t see that coming! Waitlisted to Penn…brutal! Heck, even though she got into Villanova, she wasn’t offered a spot in the Honors college or even given merit. I couldn’t believe it! She has a 1520 SAT, NMF, so many leadership positions, volunteering, runs her own charity, 100+ hours of shadowing experience, etc. Villanova is the only school she was accepted to that didn’t give her honors or merit. I truly just don’t understand what these places look for nowadays! I feel like it either has to be luck, or the kids have to be Jesus incarnate! She really likes Villanova, but it doesn’t seem like Villanova loves her back too much. I spoke with admissions, and the ladies I talked to said they are shocked over this year too. I feel your pain and hope it all works out for your son! Just know he’s not alone–this is happening to so many extremely qualified kids this year. :frowning:

My daughter got into Villanova honors in 2019, zero merit, fortunately most of her applications were to less selective schools that were less expensive and gave good merit. She was happy where she landed.

I hear you my daughter got into every school she applied to (except Vanderbilt). She was offered no merit at Villanova and we had to ED to not risk a waitlist since it was her first choice. While I do wish both financially and psychologically to have gotten a little more “love” towards her back from the school I am happy she is going there. Ultimately it just felt like the best, right choice and I think she will thrive and be happy there. I am also happy that it will bolster her Catholic education. This has been a rough year for sure and I hope that everyone can find their “right” choice.

Thank you for sharing that…it’s wild to hear she was accepted to honors and not offered merit. I am starting to believe (based on what we’re seeing) that merit is a bit of a farce. I’ve talked to so many people; ourselves included, that got “just enough” merit to meet their EFC. May I ask where your daughter ultimately chose to attend? I’m sort of hoping mine chooses Lafayette. She also likes Lehigh, but I think the Greek focus there would not be for her.

We did all of that since they (we have 2) were born. Given our financials 35,000 per year, which by some calculation was our estimated family contribution, was going to be a really difficult stretch for us with more debt that we wanted for her. 56,958 per year is just comical it is so far out of reach for her. I can’t see how families similar to us could make that work. Maybe some just end up with a bachelors degree and 150,000 in debt. That is roughly where she would be and at age 22 that isn’t anything a parent can let a student do.

She ended up at UDel honors with $17000 a year in merit, was able to graduate a year early with AP/DE credits and is now at BU (with some merit) for her DPT program. Her younger sister applied to about 20 schools and got merit almost everywhere but in state Rutgers. She was more aware of colleges she shouldn’t bother applying to (although she did apply to lehigh for some reason, I don’t think they gave her merit either). Our income is too high for financial aid, but not high enough to afford $80,000 a year to more selective schools that don’t offer merit.

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Similar story to many here. Son was accepted to Villanova School of Business, Boston College, Fordham (free tuition), Wesleyan University, and Haverford. All great schools, and we are very grateful. Was rejected by every reach school, massive legacy at Columbia, didn’t matter, not a waitlist to be had from any of them. He is the valedictorian at a top 2% public high school in New York, 1550 SAT, national merit finalist, 16 APs and dual enrollment, was class president, long list of awards and honors. Villanova offered him no merit and no honors program. The only thing I can think of is that he applied regular decision, which might be a significant disadvantage for merit and honors at Villanova. Apparently one can’t apply for the Presidential Scholarship after December 1st so it seems that one must apply early and then get accepted to have any chance. If that’s why there was no merit consideration then it’s a terrible policy. I’m going to try and reason with their representatives. He would love to go to Villanova, but If they don’t see his value to them, then unfortunately he is going to slip right through their fingers.