Villanova nursing, Pittsburgh nursing or Case Western nursing?

<p>My D has to decide between Villanova, Case and Pittsburgh for nursing, any thoughts?</p>

<p>just some thoughts, since you’re in a great position, and it’s a winwinwin scenario, if your cost is equivalent–and be sure you have in writing a guarantee that affordability (Villanova, and to a lesser extent, generous CWRU) is there after year one. Villanova is so beautiful in a homogenous way, near Philadelphia and a great undergraduate nursing experience. But not so sure about their Grad Nursing. Case is in a thriving Medical corridor that is next to a gritty neighborhood, and offers the most floor hours at the earliest stage in your undergrad, and really has a varied student body, and incredibly interesting architecture–really impressive–but a less cohesive rah rah spirit. Villanova has a more intimate feel, school spirit and that private Catholic exclusivity in the air; I just think Pitt offers the best combination of proximity to Hospitals, affordability in town, matriculation into a better Grad School, safety, and a real-world urban vibe. It’s a happier school than Case, and more realworld than Villanova. So 1 vote for Pitt.</p>

<p>Thanks, it will be a tough choice. Safety is number one when choosing a college. The gritty neighborhood comes up a lot in conversation and will be visiting soon to see how Case is affected by the gritty neighborhood. If it is a case of not walking around by yourself at 3:00am that goes for anywhere but if it means always looking over your shoulder no matter what time of day well could be a deal breaker. </p>

<p>Here are a few older threads from when my daughter was going through the process. Hope they help:</p>

<p><a href=“Help me choose... - Nursing Major - College Confidential Forums”>Help me choose... - Nursing Major - College Confidential Forums;
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“University of Pittsburgh vs. Villanova - Nursing Major - College Confidential Forums”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>D has been accepted EA into all three of these schools. Villanova is rather different from CASE and Pitt. D liked all of these schools–and actually Villanova more than we did. We stumbled upon a group of nursing students hanging out in the nursing building and they were great taking us around the building and answering questions. (It was a Saturday and snowing) The campus and the building were beautiful. </p>

<p>Our concern about Villanova is that you will need to allow for time and transportation to get to ALL of your clinicals. It is a large sprawling suburban campus. There are no walk to clinicals–or hop on the free bus (Pitt). You will need to car pool or have a car from my understanding. Villanova has also been putting three girls in one room and the rooms are small. It’s also very expensive. Alot has been said about safety and neighborhoods. Our son is graduating from Pitt in April and has never had any problems with safety. CASE is like Detroit in spots, desolate, burned out and dangerous. But that’s not the campus, and I would implore any child going to college–including my own — to not be an airhead about safety. We even had to lecture our son about remembering to lock their off campus house. Criminals choose easy targets first. Laptops left anywhere, doors left open, smart phone texting on the streets, jogging with ears plugged in after dark and on untrafficked sidewalks and through isolated neighborhoods. No.No. No. and did I say No. It doesn’t matter if you’re at a campus keg party or walking home from the library, use common sense. especially around alcohol AND your basic belongings. Safety first; it is too easy to get lulled into a feeling of safety when you are a young optimistic college kid living on a 60K annually campus. Part of growing up is losing that mentality ;-)</p>

<p><a href=“Is Villanova University worth it? - Parents Forum - College Confidential Forums”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>This was one of the most active discussions on CC in months.</p>

<p>Good advice WashDC. If a person is walking around a city staring down at their phone, they not only will be vulnerable to crime, but also will probably trip and fall, or be hit by a car or a bike. To avoid being a target, it is essential to constantly be aware of your surroundings. </p>

<p>This is not related to Villanova, Case , Pitt but about safety.
At one of the info session, one of the parent asked how " safe " is the general area around the school / bus etc since this is an urban campus,
this nursing student / tour guide said " I carry my pepper spray at all time."
this parent said " did you need to use it ? "
nursing student said " no ". </p>

<p>This is the school my D2 will be going to. </p>

<p>On the other hand, my D1 is at a college town with a pretty well-defined campus. There are still some sketchy area very very very close to the shops / restaurants that students go to everyday. If you can get a hold of some students ( not the tour guide lol ), they will be able to tell you exactly which streets/ area to pay attention to at that particular school. </p>