Villanova vs. BC

<p>Help please
i got accepted into both early action but can't decide which school i would rather attend. It would be great if anyone could tell me their opinions of the schools.</p>


<p>and by the way my mom went to BC and my dad went to Nova, only making the decision more difficult.</p>

<p>Haha, that is a tough decision. I’m a high school student, but I’ll try. Both schools are similar academically. However, I think most people would place BC above Nova. And Boston is full of college students, so that’s a plus. It also depends on the financial aid offers you received from them.</p>

<p>Tough choice. In terms of rankings/recognition, I think BC wins. I’d say the two schools are extremely similar in terms of the type of students who go there, the big school spirit, etc. Both are close to fun towns - though Boston’s club/bar scene sucks, it has more college students than Philly. Why don’t you go to both schools accepted students days (I know Villanova has one just for early action students, maybe BC has a similar one) and see which one you like better.</p>

<p>i agree, i’d have to lean toward BC, but cannot go wrong with either. Make sure you check out all the scholarships/aid/benefits you can get.</p>

<p>i think it really depends on what you’re looking to major in because they are basically the same school just in different cities. for instance, the villanova business school is ranked better than bc’s. either way, there are a lot of college students in both cities. both schools aren’t known for considerable financial aid and both schools have well established athletic programs. but i definitely recommend visiting each school and staying overnight and going to a few classes. it’s a toughie. i got into villanova ea and deferred from bc ea so hopefully i will be faced with the same situation in having to pick between the two. good luck!</p>

<p>I posted this on the BC sight, but just so everyone here can see it as well…(This is a response to another BC poster).</p>

<p>Academics: True, is relatively comparable.
Prestige: Depends on location. New England=BC, Rust Belt=Nova, Outside either area, the same.
Location: Tie. Both Boston and Philly are major cities and offer the same things. Although as a native Bostonian, I would have to say Boston kicks a**. However, I’m trying not to be biased. An outsider would see this as a tie.
Weather: Agree, Nova takes this category.
Financial Aid: BC. Nova is ranked #17 for students least happy with financial aid.
Sports: BC. No explanation needed unless all you care about is BBall. In that case Nova takes the prize. But overall, BC hands down.
Campus: Tie. Both are beautiful and up-to-date. However BC is much more cramped and the Newton Campus is a slight drawback. Nova is much more spread out, has all of the landscape offerings of BC, and is also a national arboretum.</p>

<p>BC: 2W-1L-4T
Nova: 1W-2L-4T</p>

<p>Pretty damn close. It all depends on where you feel you would fit better. Visit both schools again and again until you can call one of them home.</p>

<p>My oldest graduated from BC this year. It was always my understanding that BC was more competitive than Villanova based on the stats of the students which have been admitted from our HS. That said, the competitiveness is really just a data point and not that important in and of itself. Instead perhaps you should focus on your intended major and see which school can get you closer to your ultimate career goals. I am sure each school has their strengths. eg. Nova has an Engineering program … I don’t believe that BC does. On the other hand … D majored in History in the Honors Program at BC and won a Fulbright this year. In this regard, I dont know if she would have had the same opportunities/experiences at Villanova as she had at BC in the area of study that she pursued … but that is just my opinion.</p>

<p>Another area to consider is of the recent grads from both schools, how many are still unemployed (or unenrolled in grad schools). This is not only a function of how well respected the school’s curriculum is by businesses/grad schools … but also a function of how well the career center does in assisting the students in post-grad opportunities.</p>

<p>Regardless … you are in an enviable position to be able to choose from 2 fine schools. Congrats!!</p>

<p>thanks for the advice
i am going to wait for the financial aid and attend early action accepted student days.</p>

<p>i also got accepted ea into both. i got into nova biz school but applied to a and s at bc. i have no idea what to do either. hopefully i will get into uva or unc and not have to worry haha</p>