Villanova vs Penn State Honors College [political science, Spanish, pre-law]

Hi! I got accepted into both Villanova and Penn State Schreyer Honors College recently and am having a hard time choosing between the two of them. I want to do Politics/Political Science or Spanish language with a possibility of going to law school for immigration law. Any opinions on which one is the right fit would be greatly appreciated! I am very academically driven, but would also like personal relationships in the classroom. Thank you so much for your help in advance!

Both are great. @Bill_Marsh had a great nugget for Nova the other day for someone pursuing this path.

Because you are thinking of attending law school and both your options are solid, I would attend whichever one is most affordable for you. You’ll want to keep your undergraduate debt as low as possible to give yourself maximum flexibility for your law school choices later. Even if you end up not going to law school, keeping your debt low is a good idea. You’re in a very solid position – enjoy that!

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