Violets to Big Red! chance me?

<p>Applying for Fall '09 transfer. I know I don't have good chances like 99% of the chance threads on CC, so if it's really that low, I'll just apply for transfer for Spring 10' instead. </p>

8th Grade: B-, C+, A- in 3 9th grade classes
9th Grade: 3.6 UW
10th Grade: 3.03 UW (D in art class)
11th Grade: 3.65 UW
12th Grade: 3.85 UW </p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.51 (would be 3.61 without the darn D)
SAT I: 2130 = 640M 720V 770W
SAT IIs: Lit 770 World Hist 620
8 AP's, some honors classes, started HS math/science in 8th grade, but math grades are low. Very competitive public school on LI.</p>

<p>AP Scores:
3 – Macro Economics, Italian
4 – Statistics, Psychology
5 – World History, U.S History, English Lit, English Language & Comp</p>

<p>EC's/Community Service:
National Italian Honor Society – Secretary
School Literary Magazine – Assistant Editor in chief
Peer Tutoring Club - English tutor
Teacher Assistant in Summer Camp for 2 summers
Community service at Islamic Center 4 yrs
National Latin Honor Society member – only 2 yrs b/c I had to drop Latin</p>

National DAR Society Good Citizen Award
Magna Cum Laude in National Latin Exam
AP Scholar with Distinction
High Honors in English award
High Honors in Italian award
Nassau County Certificate of Achievement...haha don't know if that's a real award</p>

<p>I’m a NYU freshman taking 4 classes. I’ve aced my midterms/papers/quizzes/labs so far, and I think my gpa will be at least 3.8. My classes are small so my professor knows me and I participate a lot; should be good, not outstanding though. No leadership positions because they go to upperclassmen. </p>

<p>EC’s/Community Service:
Circle K – community service club
Earth Matters – environmentalist club
International Relations Club – IR is my minor </p>

<p>Applying for: College of Human Ecology
Major: Policy Analysis and Management</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>Please chance me! pretty please with rainbow sprinkles on top!</p>

<p>Well, when calculating your unweighted GPA art and music classes (and many electives), aren't usually considered. It seems that with your high college GPA and good high school stats, you should have a pretty good shot.</p>

<p>Cornell does not recalculate HS GPA's, I've confirmed this with the admissions office. They will see my UW GPA as a 3.51...but hopefully they will notice the upward trend, and not focus on 8th and 10th grade. I know my stats are good for an avg school, but this is an ivy, so i'm worried. Still planning on applying for Fall '09 though.</p>

<p>thanks, anyone else?</p>

<p>bump bump</p>

<p>anyone else? any advice is appreciated :)</p>

<p>Your GPA is a little low for Cornell, but your SAT is decent.</p>

<p>thanks, any other opinions?</p>

<p>From what I've heard, a college GPA above a 3.5 is really good, so I would be pretty surprised if you didn't get in. Then again, I hardly know anything about transfer admissions lol</p>

<p>i feel that you are a strong applicant!! I don't think cornell would be a problem!!!</p>

<p>thanks 10char</p>

<p>anyone? preferably people familiar with Ivy admissions?</p>

<p>seeing that you have that D in hs, you might want to wait for Spring 10’, so your hs grades wouldnt matter as much. of course, unless you feel it is unbearable to stay another semester, then apply. But if you show you can do well at NYU, it would make you a much stronger applicant</p>


<p>yep that D is bringing me down</p>

<p>and in a freaking art class, too</p>

<p>I think you have a decent shot, not a guarantee though. Like others have said, that darn D</p>

<p>chance me back please
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I hope they don’t pay attention to the D too much - I mean, it was soph yr of HS, it was a freaking Art class (I’m not an Art major) and so I hope they won’t reject me just because of that.</p>